Why Retire in Indonesia? - Indonesia, a land of natural wonders and cultural riches, has recently become a popular destination for expatriates...

Why Retire in Indonesia? - Indonesia, a land of natural wonders and cultural riches, has recently become a popular destination for expatriates...
13 Steps to Setup a PMA in Bali - Indonesia offers various promising business opportunities, one of which is the Bali area. Many foreign and local...
Extension Reporting Annual Tax to Avoid Sanctions - Reporting Annual Tax Returns (SPT) is a responsibility that must be fulfilled by all Taxpayers,...
Regulations for Exporting Cosmetic to Indonesia - Indonesia has a large population relatively with good purchasing power and has become one of the...
Why Does a Business Have to Register a Trademark? - Trademark is a symbol that can be thought of as a guardian of healthy business competition. In...
Mixed Marriage in Indonesia - If you have been living in Indonesia for a while, you already know the truth about legality in Indonesia — nothing...
Environmental Permits with AMDAL for Business - The AMDAL has become a familiar aspect among companies. AMDAL is an abbreviation for Environmental...
Manufacture Company in Indonesia - In Indonesia there are several types of companies, one of them is manufacturing companies. In terms of economics,...
How Important Halal Certification in Indonesia? - The majority of Indonesian people are Moslem. Therefore, it is very important for business people...
Established a Construction Services Company in Indonesia - Buildings are one of the most important basic human needs. Being part of clothing and...
Children with Dual Citizenship Must Be Registered Immediately - Currently mixed marriages are widely practiced by Indonesian people, whether they...
Want to Start a Restaurant Business in Indonesia? - Currently, Instagrammable restaurant businesses are becoming a favorite, both beginners and...
How to Extend a Trademark? - When running a business, it is important for business people to create and brand their own trademark. The purpose of...
The Types of Risk Levels in OSS RBA - Do you now know that the business licensing system in Indonesia already uses a risk-based online licensing...
Kenapa Harus Mendirikan PT untuk Usaha? - Membuatan izin usaha berbentuk PT merupakan salah satu langkah yang tepat untuk membuat usaha dan bisnis...
Term of Office of Directors and Commissioners in the Company - One of the most important parts in establishing a company (PT) is the presence of...
How to Obtain a Tourism Business Registration Permit (TDUP) - The travel and tourism industry continues to experience changes every day in this...
ITAS Dahsuskim in Indonesia - The era of globalization from the past until now has changed and has had an impact on increasing crossings between...
How to Register a Franchise in Indonesia - Franchising allows us to start a business by growing and branching out by giving entrepreneurs and small...
Electronic System Operator Business Activities (PSE) - Each PSE is required to register before users start using the electronic system. The...
Student Visa in Indonesia How to Get it? - In an international world, intercultural and up-to-date skills have become a prerequisite for achieving...
Who can Apply for a Family Reunification Visa in Indonesia? - Family is the main element of well-being throughout our lives. Husband, wife and...
Visa and Work Permit, What's the Difference? - Each country has different types of visas and visa categories. In general, there are two types of...
Establishing a Beauty Business in Indonesia? - Industry Business in the field of beauty is increasingly popular currently. The beauty market is a...
Requirements of Halal Certificate in Indonesia - Halal certification is very important and very influential on business continuity and increasing...
Types of Income Tax in Indonesia - Income Tax (PPh) is a type of tax that plays the biggest role in a country's source of income. Why? because taxes...
How to Setup PMA in Indonesia? - Moving overseas can be an exciting opportunity for business people. There are many opportunities to start a new...
Update for Multiple Entry Visit Visa (VKBP) D212 - The Directorate General of Immigration has officially reopened the multiple entry visit visa...
Status of the Stay Permit of Couples Mixed Married-divorced - No couple is perfect. Every marriage relationship will have a pebbles in the...
Important Notice for Multiple Entry Visit Visa Holders - Quoting the official The Directorate General of Immigration (DGI) page. The Directorate...
Positions allowed for TKA in Finance and Insurance Sector - The financial services and insurance industry includes businesses that provide a wide...
Can the Foundation Use Foreign Workers? - The legal basis of the new foundation was first published in 2001 which was ratified in the Law of the...
Human Resource Compliance in Global (Indonesia) - Every business entity or company must ensure that they have complied with and followed the laws...
Recommendation Letter to KITAP Investor - For foreign investment companies (PMA), the government provides easy service in terms of permits for...
Second Home Visa is Now Open! - The Directorate General of Immigration by the Republic of Indonesia's Ministry of Law and Human Rights has this year...
Why Do Businesses Need a Payroll Service Provider? - After you decide to hire an employee in your company, the first step is that you have to...
Positions TKA for P2P Lending Companies - Technology is getting more and more advanced every day. The presence of technology now makes our lives...
Jenis Tipe Saham Perusahaan di Indonesia - Banyak pemilik bisnis mempertimbangkan untuk berbagi kepemilikan saham bisnis mereka dengan satu atau...
How to Register a Trademark (Brand) in Indonesia - A trademark is an asset of a company in introducing the products it creates. The trademark itself...
Apostille Document Certificate to use Abroad - Launching from the page...
Provisions for Concurrent Positions of TKA in Indonesia - Business developments in the current era of globalization encourage a very significant...
Importance of HR System for Global Business - Expanding business globally and maximizing everything can give you more profit in doing business....
How to Convert KITAS Investors to KITAP Investors? - If you intend to stay long in Indonesia, a permanent stay permit/KITAP is the right choice....
+62877-1449-8500Do's and don'ts for Business Visa Holders - Indonesia provides various types of Indonesian Visas to suit the needs of foreign...
Crypto Market in Indonesia Subject to VAT - Investing in cryptocurrencies or crypto assets is increasingly popular all over the world, including...
Procedure for Conversion Status from ITK to ITAS - Quoting from page Directorate General of Immigration. Indonesian Immigration made adjustments to...
SNI Certification for Products - The industrial business world in Indonesia has been and is being faced with various very tight trade competitions...
Indonesian ID Card for Foreigners - Identity card (KTP) is very important. Because the identity card is an official indication of a person's...
Bookkeeping Outsourcing for Your Business - When you have started a business, then you have to make a record, be it a purchase or a sale. All...
Changing of PMDN status to PMA - Investment Change Registration must be owned by the investment. In Indonesia, investment has been regulated in laws...
Get to know Authorized and Paid Up Capital Establishment of a Company - The times are always changing, especially in new businesses, which makes us...
Establishment a Company with a Virtual Office - Many people change professions to become entrepreneurs, because being an entrepreneur for a business...
Participation in BPJS Health & Employment for Foreign Workers - BPJS Health and Employment is mandatory for all company employees. Because BPJS...
New regulations for entering Indonesia for foreigners (WNA) - The Directorate General of Immigration has updated the regulations restricting...
Guide on how to run an export business for beginners - International trade is not only carried out by developed countries but also by developing...
Can Taxpayers Deactivate or Revoke NPWP? - Each country generally implements or has an obligation for every citizen to be able to carry out tax...
Imposition of Income Tax for Foreigners - Tax is an obligation for every citizen. Without exception, foreign nationals who work or earn income in...
Terminating BOD & BOC in the Company - All members of the company can be involved in the impact of the company, having responsibility and...
Common Mistakes When Starting Establishment Companies - Establishing your own company/business is very beautiful, challenging and also difficult....
Do I need to legalize documents? - Almost or always or possible to legalize documents. This is usually done in the country where the document...
Importance of NIB for Companies - NIB or Business Identification Number is one of the important factors in establishing an Agency or company in...
Regulation of Paid-in Capital for Foreign Companies - The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has issued Regulation No. 4 of 2021 concerning...
Indonesian Work Culture that Foreigners Need to Know - Some might assume that working anywhere would have the same circumstances. That person may be...
Skin Care Business in Indonesia and its Distribution Permit - Skin care or a good skin care routine will only be good by using products that are...
Prohibition of Foreigners from Entering Indonesia - The government officially prohibits foreign nationals (WNA) from entering Indonesian territory...
+62877-1449-8500Dissolution of the Company in Indonesia - The main purpose of establishing a company and opening up business opportunities is to...
Get to Know the Stay Permit for Foreigners in Indonesia - Every foreigner who stay in Indonesia, either temporarily or permanently, is required to...
Can Foreigners Own Property in Indonesia? - Property is a term that describes everything that a person or business legally owns, which gives the...
License Required for Geothermal Companies in Indonesia - Indonesia has possibly the highest geothermal power potential of any country, with...
Guidelines Imports of a Goods from Overseas to Indonesia - International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international...
Procedures for Exporting Goods from Indonesia to Overseas - The activity of exporting goods is a trading system that allows a person to trade across...
Positive List of Indonesian Investments (DPI) - With the passing of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning "Cipta Kerja" or what is known as the Omnibus...
Everything You Need to Know for KITAS Investors in Indonesia - An investor is an individual, company or entity that invests with the aim of making a...
Hiring Foreign Pilots in Indonesia - Pilot is airplane driver, pilot or airman is the name for a person who piloted or manned an airplane. As a...
Registration of cosmetic products in Indonesia - If you have the idea of starting a cosmetics business, you may be wondering how much it will cost...
How to Register a Trading Companies in Indonesia - The business market, where businesses trade raw materials, resources and components, can undergo...
How to Setup a Fintech Company in Indonesia - Fintech startups worldwide have increased from 12,131 in 2018 to 20,925 in 2020. This significant 72%...
Hiring a Foreign Chef in Indonesia? - A chef is someone who has cooking skills in a place and is trusted to lead the kitchen and create menu mixes....
Tax Card (NPWP) Registration for Employee - Registration of employees' NPWP is an obligation for companies that employ employees who do not yet have...
Procedures and Requirements of Property Trade Intermediary Business License (SIU-P4) - Want to set up a company engaged in the Property business?...
How to Get MUI Halal Certificate - For those of you who do business in the fields of Food, Medicines, and Cosmetics, Halal Certificate is a...
Cara Pendaftaran Izin Edar BPOM - Izin Edar merupakan bentuk persetujuan registrasi produk yang akan diedarkan di Indonesia. Setiap produk pangan...
Association Licensing Process - After discussing the definition, purposes and types of association in the previous article (Type of Association in...
The Importance of Mandatory Manpower Report for Companies - In addition to managing all permits, there is a very important thing to fulfill before...
Now Investors Do Not Need Visa Recommendations - The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) integrates Online Single Submission (OSS) and the...
Fine Provisions For Overstay Foreign Citizens - Exceeding the period of stay permit in a country has its own rules and policies, it also applies in...
The Importance of KITAS and KITAP for Foreigners in Indonesia - KITAS & KITAP or Limited/Permanent Stay Permit Card are needed if foreigners...
Police Report and Expatriate Identity Card for KITAS Holder - To stay in Indonesia, it’s not only finished until the KITAS itself. Some people are...
Online Seller Must Have Business License Starting 2020 - The government through the Ministry of Trade highlights the rapid growth of online sales in...
Vehicle Ownership for Foreigners in Indonesia - If you are a foreign citizen and want to have a vehicle in Indonesia, this information that we are...
Newborn Stay Permit Indonesia - Many foreigners live and work in Indonesia, either the ones with a family and bring their family with them or they...
Inviting Artist from Foreign Country to Indonesia - So many concerts have been held in Indonesia by inviting artist from the USA, South Korea,...
Indoservice was established in 2019 and helps clients who want to expand or establish a business in Indonesia. We have been providing services to several local and multinational companies.
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