Perubahan Tanggal Jatuh Tempo PPh - Perubahan tanggal jatuh tempo pembayaran Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) menjadi tanggal 15 setiap bulan berikutnya...

Perubahan Tanggal Jatuh Tempo PPh - Perubahan tanggal jatuh tempo pembayaran Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) menjadi tanggal 15 setiap bulan berikutnya...
Types of Income Tax in Indonesia - Income Tax (PPh) is a type of tax that plays the biggest role in a country's source of income. Why? because taxes...
Cari Tahu Jenis dan Kegunaan Kode Faktur Pajak - Semua aktivitas yang melibatkan keuangan atau aset selalu berkaitan dengan pajak sebagai kewajiban....
Crypto Market in Indonesia Subject to VAT - Investing in cryptocurrencies or crypto assets is increasingly popular all over the world, including...
Harmonization Of Taxation Regulations - The Law on Harmonization Of Taxation Regulations Act are part of tax reform with the aim of supporting the...
Skema Tax Amnesty Jilid 2 - Pemerintah akan menggelar "tax amnesty jilid II" atau Program Pengungkapan Sukarela (PPS) kepada wajib pajak (WP) mulai...
Can Taxpayers Deactivate or Revoke NPWP? - Each country generally implements or has an obligation for every citizen to be able to carry out tax...
Imposition of Income Tax for Foreigners - Tax is an obligation for every citizen. Without exception, foreign nationals who work or earn income in...
Tax Card (NPWP) Registration for Employee - Registration of employees' NPWP is an obligation for companies that employ employees who do not yet have...
The Instalment Reduction of Income Tax Article 25 to Increase to 50 Percent - The government finally objectified the plan to increase the amount of...
e-Faktur 3.0 Application - The national implementation of e-faktur 3.0 application will be started next month which believed can narrow the...
Final Income Tax: Implementation Instructions of Government Regulation No. 23/2018 - Government through Directorate General of Tax to issue...
The Government Extends Tax Incentives until December 2020 - The provision of tax incentives for business actors will be extended until December...
How To Make A New or Forgotten EFIN - Among the many questions that are often asked in DGT social media accounts are how to create EFIN and how to...
What is EFIN? - Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) is an identification number issued by the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) to...
July 1 2020, DGT Starts Conducting Annual Tax Return (SPT) Research - The opportunity to submit the completeness of the annual tax return document...
How to Submit a PP Certificate 23/2018 Online - Final 0.5% PPh tariff is one of the government's fiscal instruments to encourage micro, small and...
Annual Tax Return (SPT) Filling Guidance for Freelancers - Did you know that the status of permanent employees and temporary employees or...
Reporting of Income Tax Return Article 23 & 26 Electronically Using e-Bupot Application - It is undeniable, the tax administration is currently...
What You Need To Know About e-Bupot Application - Following KEP-269/PJ/2020 issued by The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT), DGT determines taxable...
DGT Decree on e-Bupot Applications for Taxable Entrepreneurs (PKP) - The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) will conduct socialization to tax...
Face-to-Face Tax Service at KPP and KP2KP Has Been Reopened - Starting June 15, 2020, face-to-face tax service at KPP and KP2KP reopened by applying...
Expand Your Business Globally with Employer of Record - Over the past few years, more opportunities have emerged for companies to globalize with...
Utilization of Tax Incentives Realization Report - The Directorate General of Tax released a new regulation that provides an explanation and...
How Employer of Record Could Boost Your Business - When you employ remote workers or assign employees overseas, most countries will require you to...
2019 Annual Tax Reporting - Time to report the annual tax is coming! 2019 annual tax reporting will be over and the obligation to report the annual...
Indoservice was established in 2019 and helps clients who want to expand or establish a business in Indonesia. We have been providing services to several local and multinational companies.
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