How to Register a Trademark (Brand) in Indonesia – A trademark is an asset of a company in introducing the products it creates. The trademark itself is a word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of things that identifies your goods or services.
Having a trademark is the main thing, why? Because consumer purchasing decisions are influenced by the trademark and reputation represented by the brand. It is important for businesses to have an understanding of why trademarks are important assets and help grow their business.
In the following, we will explain how to register a trademark in Indonesia.
What is a trademark?
A mark is a sign that can be displayed graphically in the form of an image, logo, name, word, letter, number, color arrangement, in the form of 2 (two) dimensions and/or 3 (three) dimensions, sound, hologram, or a combination of 2 (two) dimensions. ) or more of these elements to distinguish goods and/or services produced by persons or legal entities in the activities of trading goods and/or services.
Requirements and procedures for application for trademark registration
Based on Article 4 of Law 20/2016, it regulates the terms and procedures for applying for trademark registration.
An application for registration of a Mark is submitted by the Applicant or his Proxy to the Minister of Law and Human Rights through the Directorate General of Intellectual (DJKI) electronically or non-electronically in the Indonesian language.
The application for trademark registration must include the following:
- date, month, and year of the Application;
- the full name, nationality, and address of the Applicant;
- the full name and address of the Proxy if the Application is submitted through a Proxy;
- color if the Mark for which registration is being applied uses color elements;
- the name of the country and the date of the first application for a Mark in the event that the Application is filed with Priority Right; and
- class of goods and/or class of services as well as a description of the types of goods and/or types of services.
Trademark requirements:
- Etiquette/Brand Label;
- Applicant’s signature;
- Recommendation Letter for Assisted UKM or Certificate of Assistance for Small and Medium Enterprises (Original) – For Micro and Small Business Applicants;
- Stamped UMK Statement Letter – For Micro and Small Business Applicants;
How to create an account to register a trademark?
Log in to the brand account Then, Select ‘Online Application’,
Step 1 > Select the type of application, enter the billing code that has been paid;
Step 2 > Enter the Applicant Data;
Step 3 > Filled in if the application is authorized;
Step 4 > Fill in if you have priority rights;
Step 5 > Enter Brand Data;
Step 6 > Enter Class Data by clicking ‘Add’;
Step 7 > Click ‘Add’ to upload the required document attachment;
Step 8 > Preview (make sure all your data is correct);
Step 9 > Print Draft Receipt Click ‘Finish’;
How much cost/PNBP for trademark registration?
General : IDR 1,800,000/class
UMK : IDR 500,000/class
Detail :
PNBP Merek | Tarif (Rp) |
1. Permohonan Pendaftaran Merek | |
a. Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil | |
Secara Elektronik (online) | 500.000 |
b. Umum | |
Secara Elektronik (online) | 1.800.000 |
2. Perpanjangan Jangka Waktu Perlindungan Merek | |
Dalam Jangka Waktu 6 Bulan Sebelum atau Sampai Berakhirnya Perlindungan Merek | |
a. Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil | |
Secara Elektronik (online) | 1.000.000 |
b. Umum | |
Secara Elektronik (online) | 2.250.000 |
Dalam Jangka Waktu Paling Lama 6 Bulan Setelah Berakhirnya Perlindungan Merek | |
a. Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil | |
Secara Elektronik (online) | 2.000.000 |
b. Umum | |
Secara Elektronik (online) | 4.500.000 |
3. Permohonan Pendaftaran Merek Internasional Berdasarkan Protokol Madrid | |
a. Permohonan Pendaftaran Merek Internasional | CHF 125 |
b. Perpanjangan Perlindungan Merek Internasional | |
Dalam Jangka Waktu 6 Bulan Sebelum atau Sampai Berakhirnya Perlindungan Merek | CHF 165 |
Dalam Jangka Waktu 6 Bulan Setelah Berakhirnya Perlindungan Merek | CHF 360 |
c. Transformasi Merek Internasional Menjadi Merek Nasional | 2.000.000 |
d. Penggantian (Replacement) Merek Nasional Menjadi Merek Internasional | 1.000.000 |
e. Biaya Administrasi Permohonan Pendaftaran Merek Internasional yang Berasal dari Indonesia | 500.000 |
4. Pengajuan Keberatan atas Permohonan Merek | 1.000.000 |
5. Permohonan Banding Merek | 3.000.000 |
6. Biaya Pencatatan dalam Daftar Umum Merek | |
a. Pencatatan Perubahan Nama dan/atau Alamat Pemilik Merek | 300.000 |
b. Pencatatan Pengalihan Hak/Pengabungan Perusahaan (Merger) atas Merek Terdaftar | 700.000 |
c. Pencatatan Perjanjian Lisensi | 1.000.000 |
d. Pencatatan Penghapusan Pendaftaran Merek | 200.000 |
e. Pencatatan Perubahan Peraturan Penggunaan Merek Kolektif | 300.000 |
7. Permohonan Petikan Resmi Pendaftaran Merek dan Permohonan Keterangan Tertulis Mengenai Merek | |
a. Permohonan Petikan Resmi Pendaftaran Merek | 300.000 |
b. Permohonan Keterangan Tertulis Mengenai | |
Klasifikasi Barang dan/atau Jasa | 200.000 |
Barang dan/atau Jasa Sejenis | 200.000 |
Perpanjangan Jangka Waktu Perlindungan Merek Terdaftar | 200.000 |
c. Permohonan Petikan Pencatatan Perjanjian Lisensi | 300.000 |
8. Perubahan Data Permohonan Pendaftaran Merek Karena Kesalahan Pemohon yang Tidak Berdampak Perubahan Kepemilikan/Kuasa | 200.000 |
9. Perubahan Data Permohonan Pendaftaran Merek Pada Sertifikat Karena Kesalahan Pemohon yang Tidak Berdampak Perubahan Kepemilikan/Kuasa | 300.000 |
10. Permohonan Bukti Prioritas Merek | 300.000 |
Trademark registration procedure?
Order the billing code at
- Select ‘Brand and Geographical Indication’ in the type of service;
- Select ‘Application for Mark Registration Submitted By;
- Select ‘Micro and Small Business’ or ‘General’;
- Select ‘Electronically (Online);
- Enter the Applicant Data and Application Data (name, complete address, email and mobile number, etc.);
- Make PNBP payments via ATM/internet banking/m-banking
Trademark registration process
Legal basis
The following are the regulations governing trademarks, including:
- Law no. 20 / 2016 Regarding Brands (Mark and Geographical Indications Law);
- PP No. 24/1993 concerning Classes of Goods or Services for Mark Registration;
- Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. 67/2016 concerning Trademark Registration;
Purpose of the trademark being registered?
- To maintain the right of exclusivity. By registering a trademark means appropriate and effective efforts to ensure legal exclusivity over the use of the name or logo and others. As with other material rights, trademarks have exclusive rights, which can prevent others from using the mark.
- For legal protection. By registering a trademark, national and international protection will be granted to conduct business activities.
- Blocking and preventing the other party. With trademark registration, the trademark owner can prohibit other business actors from using a trademark that is similar or identical to the trademark they own.
- Controlling the use of trademarks owned by using licensing mechanisms against other parties.
- Enjoy economic value. Holding a registered mark can significantly affect the value to buyers because each buyer of a product tends to pay more for the goodwill it builds. Source : Permanent lecturer (faculty member) from BINUS Business Law Department.
Unregisterable trademark?
- contrary to state ideology, laws and regulations, morality, religion, decency, or public order;
- the same as, relating to, or only mentioning the goods and/or services for which registration is requested;
- contains elements that can mislead the public about the origin, quality, type, size, type, purpose of use of goods and/or services for which registration is requested or is the name of a protected plant variety for similar goods and/or services;
- contains information that is not in accordance with the quality, benefits, or efficacy of the goods and/or services produced;
- lacks discrimination; and/or
- is a common name and/or symbol of public property.
How long is the legal protection of a registered trademark?
A registered mark shall receive legal protection for a period of 10 years from the date of receipt of the application for registration of the mark in question and the period of protection may be extended.
What is the function of using the Mark?
Use of the Mark serves as:
- Identification to distinguish the production results produced by a person or several persons or legal entities with the production of other people or other legal entities;
- Promotional tools, so that it is sufficient to promote their products by mentioning the brand;
- Guarantee on the quality of the goods;
- Indicates the origin of the goods/services produced.
That’s how customers recognize and distinguish a brand, whether a word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these things that identify an identity of your product or service from other competitors.
Still confused about how to register a brand?
If you experience difficulties or ignorance in the trademark (brand) registration process in Indonesia, the procedures and legal basis in Indonesia. Contact Indoservice Now!
Indoservice is a secretarial consulting and licensing service company that can assist you in processing your trademark (brand) registration, is trusted and experienced and is committed to providing the best and fast service to meet your needs, don’t hesitate to contact us immediately to get consulting services and offers from us, at Telp. +62877-1449-8500 and email at