Obligations of Corporate Taxpayers and Corporate PKP

Obligations of Corporate Taxpayers and Corporate PKP

Obligations of Corporate Taxpayers and Corporate PKP - In Indonesia, corporate taxpayers and corporate PKP (Pengusaha Kena Pajak or VAT-registered businesses) have several obligations they must fulfill to comply with the country's tax laws and regulations. These obligations...

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Why Retire in Indonesia?

Why Retire in Indonesia?

Why Retire in Indonesia? - Indonesia, a land of natural wonders and cultural riches, has recently become a popular destination for expatriates seeking new experiences and opportunities. This article delves into the reasons behind this growing trend of people moving to...

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13 Steps to Setup a PMA in Bali

13 Steps to Setup a PMA in Bali

13 Steps to Setup a PMA in Bali - Indonesia offers various promising business opportunities, one of which is the Bali area. Many foreign and local tourists visit Bali for vacation or work. This opens up opportunities for business people to open businesses owned by foreigners...

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Extension Reporting Annual Tax to Avoid Sanctions

Extension Reporting Annual Tax to Avoid Sanctions

Extension Reporting Annual Tax to Avoid Sanctions - Reporting Annual Tax Returns (SPT) is a responsibility that must be fulfilled by all Taxpayers, including individuals and entities. Currently, the Indonesian tax authority, namely the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP), has...

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Regulations for Exporting Cosmetic to Indonesia

Regulations for Exporting Cosmetic to Indonesia

Regulations for Exporting Cosmetic to Indonesia - Indonesia has a large population relatively with good purchasing power and has become one of the most targeted countries for exports. Indonesia is expected to be in the top 5 or even 3 largest markets in Asia-Pacific....

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Daftar Izin Usaha yang Perlu Diurus  Pengusaha

Daftar Izin Usaha yang Perlu Diurus Pengusaha

Daftar Izin Usaha yang Perlu Diurus Pengusaha - Suatu usaha harus memiliki izin usaha dari pemerintah seperti surat izin usaha perdagangan dan surat izin tempat usaha. Apa saja izin usaha yang perlu diurus pengusaha? Masyarakat semakin banyak yang membangun usaha seiring...

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Why Does a Business Have to Register a Trademark?

Why Does a Business Have to Register a Trademark?

Why Does a Business Have to Register a Trademark? - Trademark is a symbol that can be thought of as a guardian of healthy business competition. In Indonesia, a trademark has a very important function and role, especially for those of who have a business. How important is the...

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Mixed Marriage in Indonesia

Mixed Marriage in Indonesia

Mixed Marriage in Indonesia - If you have been living in Indonesia for a while, you already know the truth about legality in Indonesia — nothing goes as smooth as expected. To make sure your wedding day will be an enjoyable moment, we have prepared an article about mixed...

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Environmental Permits with AMDAL for Business

Environmental Permits with AMDAL for Business

Environmental Permits with AMDAL for Business - The AMDAL has become a familiar aspect among companies. AMDAL is an abbreviation for Environmental Impact Analysis of which every component of life must be familiar and of course related to this aspect. Almost every aspect of...

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Hiring Talents in Indonesia

Hiring Talents in Indonesia

Hiring Talents in Indonesia - Indonesia has one of the biggest populations in Asia. It is home to more than 278 million people as of 2023. A good percentage is a young, talented, and dynamic workforce. In spite of this, sometimes companies need to hire foreign workers....

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Manufacture Company in Indonesia

Manufacture Company in Indonesia

Manufacture Company in Indonesia - In Indonesia there are several types of companies, one of them is manufacturing companies. In terms of economics, manufacturing companies in Indonesia absorb a lot of labor so they can improve people's welfare. So, what exactly is meant by...

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Sanctions for Non-Compliance with Tax Reporting Obligations

Sanctions for Non-Compliance with Tax Reporting Obligations

Sanctions for Non-Compliance with Tax Reporting Obligations - Individuals and entities who have obtained a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) or obtained profits such as wages, dividends, income and other sources of income are both required to report taxes to the...

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PMA Taxation for Foreign Investors in Indonesia

PMA Taxation for Foreign Investors in Indonesia

PMA Taxation for Foreign Investors in Indonesia - Indonesia, with large population and rapidly developing economy has become an attractive destination for foreign investors. The Indonesian government has provided incentives and facilities to encourage foreign investment...

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How to Extend a Trademark?

How to Extend a Trademark?

How to Extend a Trademark? - When running a business, it is important for business people to create and brand their own trademark. The purpose of granting a trademark is: to protect their intellectual property from theft and piracy. Trademarks can be anything such as: words,...

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Annual SPT Reporting

Annual SPT Reporting

Annual SPT Reporting - Reporting of Annual Tax Returns or SPT for taxpayers (WP) for both Individuals and Entities is getting closer this year. Every citizen is obliged to carry out his tax obligations in accordance with the provisions of the law. Taxpayers (WP) are divided...

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About Visit Visa Indonesia

About Visit Visa Indonesia

About Visit Visa Indonesia - Generally, foreign citizens who want to enter a country must have a visa first, either a visa for long or short term stays. In Indonesia itself there are various types of visas. Both for Limited Stay Visa and Visit Visa Indonesia, according to...

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Visa On Arrival (VOA) Indonesia

Visa On Arrival (VOA) Indonesia

Visa On Arrival (VOA) Indonesia - A visa on arrival is an important travel document that you need to enter several countries in the world. Depending on your nationality, you may have to obtain a visa on arrival for purposes such as transit, tourism or business when visiting...

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Managing Distribution Permit for Fertilizer Before Selling

Managing Distribution Permit for Fertilizer Before Selling

Managing Distribution Permit for Fertilizer Before Selling - A permit is required for the sale of fertilizer. To legally sell or offer fertilizer, you must have prior permission from the relevant ministry or agency. By having this permit, we can sell the fertilizer we...

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The Types of Risk Levels in OSS RBA

The Types of Risk Levels in OSS RBA

The Types of Risk Levels in OSS RBA - Do you now know that the business licensing system in Indonesia already uses a risk-based online licensing system? OSS RBA. This system application makes it easier for business actors to register their businesses online through one...

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Kenapa Harus Mendirikan PT untuk Usaha?

Kenapa Harus Mendirikan PT untuk Usaha?

Kenapa Harus Mendirikan PT untuk Usaha? - Membuatan izin usaha berbentuk PT merupakan salah satu langkah yang tepat untuk membuat usaha dan bisnis menjadi lebih terpercaya dan terlindungi sekaligus mendapatkan keuntungan jika sejak awal sebuah usaha sudah memenuhi legalitas...

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Get to Know the Types of Bookkeeping

Get to Know the Types of Bookkeeping

Get to Know the Types of Bookkeeping - Every company's bookkeeping system is different. Bookkeeping is made based on company size. Whether it is a small or large company. Structured bookkeeping is one of the appropriate accounting books, where you can monitor the development...

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How to Choose the Right Virtual Office

How to Choose the Right Virtual Office

How to Choose the Right Virtual Office - Many employers want to change their style and work system from before, which takes a lot of money and time. By thinking of a new way to start a business, namely by way of a virtual office. Even though you no longer need a physical...

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Calculation of Individual PT Taxes

Calculation of Individual PT Taxes

Calculation of Individual PT Taxes - An individual company or better known as an individual PT is a business entity whose establishment is carried out by only one person, where the business is included in the category of Micro and Small Enterprises in accordance with Law no....

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ITAS Dahsuskim in Indonesia

ITAS Dahsuskim in Indonesia

ITAS Dahsuskim in Indonesia - The era of globalization from the past until now has changed and has had an impact on increasing crossings between countries, both in terms of people and goods, so that national borders are increasingly easily entered by various parties for...

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Electronic System Operator Business Activities (PSE)

Electronic System Operator Business Activities (PSE)

Electronic System Operator Business Activities (PSE) - Each PSE is required to register before users start using the electronic system. The obligation to register an Electronic System Operator (PSE) is mandatory. The PSE registration is submitted to the Minister of...

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Payroll Rules in Indonesia

Payroll Rules in Indonesia

Payroll Rules in Indonesia - Every employee who works in the company is entitled to a salary. Salary is given in accordance with the duties and responsibilities that have been done. Each company usually has its own method and calculation in terms of employee payroll. This is...

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Student Visa in Indonesia How to Get it?

Student Visa in Indonesia How to Get it?

Student Visa in Indonesia How to Get it? - In an international world, intercultural and up-to-date skills have become a prerequisite for achieving academic and professional success in today's and future markets. Success in the international world requires a broad mindset....

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Characteristics of Financial Statements

Characteristics of Financial Statements

Characteristics of Financial Statements - The whole objective of accounting is to systematically record all financial transaction records so that they can be informed to various stakeholders. And the main way this information is presented to related parties is through...

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Self-report Obligation for Unlimited KITAP Holders

Self-report Obligation for Unlimited KITAP Holders

Self-report Obligation for Unlimited KITAP Holders - Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP) is a permit granted to certain foreigners to settle and reside in Indonesian territory as Indonesian residents. Permanent Stay Permit has a validity period of 5 (five) years and is unlimited....

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Establishing a Beauty Business in Indonesia?

Establishing a Beauty Business in Indonesia?

Establishing a Beauty Business in Indonesia? - Industry Business in the field of beauty is increasingly popular currently. The beauty market is a business field with the largest sales revenue generated worldwide every year. Many business people do business in the field of...

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Cara Mendirikan PT Perorangan

Cara Mendirikan PT Perorangan

Cara Mendirikan PT Perorangan - PT Perorangan adalah jenis badan hukum baru yang diatur dalam UU No. 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja. Dengan adanya PT Perorangan, para pelaku usaha dalam hal ini Usaha Mikro dan Kecil, dapat membentuk atau mendirikan perseroan terbatas (PT)...

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Best Solution for Dealing with Recruiting

Best Solution for Dealing with Recruiting

Best Solution for Dealing with Recruiting - Interviews are important when recruiting new employees. Why? Because for most companies, face-to-face job interviews can help in supporting the company more effectively. Understanding the interview and recognizing the key...

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Mandatory to Have an SKTT for KITAS Holders

Mandatory to Have an SKTT for KITAS Holders

Mandatory to Have an SKTT for KITAS Holders - In accordance with Law Number 24 of 2013 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration in Article 1 paragraph 2 it is said that Residents are Indonesian Citizens and Foreigners residing in...

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Difference Single & Multiple Entry Visa Indonesia

Difference Single & Multiple Entry Visa Indonesia

Difference Single & Multiple Entry Visa Indonesia - How often do you travel abroad, How often do you apply for a visa. A visa is really needed when you are going to enter the territory of another country. Knowing the type of visa can help you travel. Visa has 2 types....

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Requirements of Halal Certificate in Indonesia

Requirements of Halal Certificate in Indonesia

Requirements of Halal Certificate in Indonesia - Halal certification is very important and very influential on business continuity and increasing company profits. By having halal certification, the products you sell can be trusted by consumers. Consumers can differentiate...

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Benefits of Hiring Top Talent

Benefits of Hiring Top Talent

Benefits of Hiring Top Talent - Finding people who have the best talents and abilities is a challenge. Why? Some argue that it is genetics. Finding the right person is very difficult. A person's talents and abilities are not the same. Everyone has their own differences, has...

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Joint Venture Dalam Bisnis

Joint Venture Dalam Bisnis

Joint Venture Dalam Bisnis - Di Indonesia, istilah joint venture atau usaha patungan merupakan salah satu bentuk kegiatan penanaman modal yang dilakukan oleh dua pihak atau lebih, antara penanam modal dalam negeri dengan penanaman modal asing melalui usaha patungan untuk...

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Types of Income Tax in Indonesia

Types of Income Tax in Indonesia

Types of Income Tax in Indonesia - Income Tax (PPh) is a type of tax that plays the biggest role in a country's source of income. Why? because taxes are obligatory contributions to the state owed by individuals or entities that are coercive by law, by not getting...

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Sworn Translation Documents for Use Abroad

Sworn Translation Documents for Use Abroad

Sworn Translation Documents for Use Abroad - Sworn translations are now increasingly needed in this era of globalization to be able to enter the international market. Documents and their contents need to be adjusted to regulations/laws that apply in a country. Each country...

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How to Setup PMA in Indonesia?

How to Setup PMA in Indonesia?

How to Setup PMA in Indonesia? - Moving overseas can be an exciting opportunity for business people. There are many opportunities to start a new business there. Being abroad can make it better for entrepreneurs, both new entrepreneurs and experienced entrepreneurs trying to...

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Cari Tahu Jenis dan Kegunaan Kode Faktur Pajak

Cari Tahu Jenis dan Kegunaan Kode Faktur Pajak

Cari Tahu Jenis dan Kegunaan Kode Faktur Pajak - Semua aktivitas yang melibatkan keuangan atau aset selalu berkaitan dengan pajak sebagai kewajiban. Wajib Pajak Badan terutama, Pengusaha Kena Pajak (PKP) yang melakukan penyerahan Barang Kena Pajak (BKP) dan/atau Jasa Kena...

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Jaminan Kehilangan Pekerjaan (JKP)

Jaminan Kehilangan Pekerjaan (JKP)

Jaminan Kehilangan Pekerjaan (JKP) - Informasi baik untuk tenaga kerja yang mengalami PHK. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia sudah meresmikan Program Jaminan Kehilangan Pekerjaan (JKP), sebagai perlindungan sosial bagi pekerja yang terkena pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK). Program...

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How to Calculate Payroll

How to Calculate Payroll

How to Calculate Payroll - Calculation of employee payroll errors can occur in the calculation. Ensuring accurate and timely payment of wages is first and foremost important. If salaries are not paid properly or there is a delay in issuing salaries, it can damage employee...

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Can the Foundation Use Foreign Workers?

Can the Foundation Use Foreign Workers?

Can the Foundation Use Foreign Workers? - The legal basis of the new foundation was first published in 2001 which was ratified in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2001 concerning Foundations (Law No. 16 of 2001). Prior to the enactment of Law Number 16 of...

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Human Resource Compliance in Global (Indonesia)

Human Resource Compliance in Global (Indonesia)

Human Resource Compliance in Global (Indonesia) - Every business entity or company must ensure that they have complied with and followed the laws and regulations and standards set by the government in a country. There are many misconceptions about HR in every country. They...

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Recommendation Letter to KITAP Investor

Recommendation Letter to KITAP Investor

Recommendation Letter to KITAP Investor - For foreign investment companies (PMA), the government provides easy service in terms of permits for immigration facilities by the ministry that administers government affairs in the fields of law and human rights. The convenience of...

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Second Home Visa is Now Open!

Second Home Visa is Now Open!

Second Home Visa is Now Open! - The Directorate General of Immigration by the Republic of Indonesia's Ministry of Law and Human Rights has this year launched its newest service, namely, second home visas. This second home visa is given to foreigners to be able to live in...

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KKPR atau Izin Lokasi OSS?

KKPR atau Izin Lokasi OSS?

KKPR atau Izin Lokasi OSS? - Korporasi merupakan terminologi yang erat kaitannya dengan badan hukum (rechtpersoon), dan badan hukum itu sendiri merupakan terminologi yang erat kaitannya dengan bidang hukum perdata (Harahap, 2017: 40). Dengan merujuk kepada konsep korporasi...

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Why Do Businesses Need a Payroll Service Provider?

Why Do Businesses Need a Payroll Service Provider?

Why Do Businesses Need a Payroll Service Provider? - After you decide to hire an employee in your company, the first step is that you have to consider how to set up a good and correct payroll system for employees in your company. The payroll system can be a major problem in...

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Positions TKA for P2P Lending Companies

Positions TKA for P2P Lending Companies

Positions TKA for P2P Lending Companies - Technology is getting more and more advanced every day. The presence of technology now makes our lives easier and faster. Of course this is a good change to make people's lifestyles in the future much better, especially in the...

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Multiple Entry Visit Visa Indonesia

Multiple Entry Visit Visa Indonesia

Multiple Entry Visit Visa Indonesia - The Directorate General of Immigration has officially reopened the multiple entry visit visa service which allows foreigners to enter Indonesia within 1 year without the need to apply for a return visit visa. This policy is stated in...

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Difference Kitas Spouse and Dependent

Difference Kitas Spouse and Dependent

Difference Kitas Spouse and Dependent - Foreigners who are married to Indonesians (mixed marriages) who plan to stay in Indonesia and Foreigners who are doing a job in Indonesia who plan to bring their children and wife (family) can get a Stay Permit / Kitas Family Union....

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Jenis Tipe Saham Perusahaan di Indonesia

Jenis Tipe Saham Perusahaan di Indonesia

Jenis Tipe Saham Perusahaan di Indonesia - Banyak pemilik bisnis mempertimbangkan untuk berbagi kepemilikan saham bisnis mereka dengan satu atau lebih dengan orang lain baik itu orang yang dikenal maupun kemitraan dalam berbisnis. Berbagi kepemilikan saham dapat menciptakan...

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Mistake in the Process Recruitment

Mistake in the Process Recruitment

Mistake in the Process Recruitment - Recruitment is a planning decision about human resource management regarding the number of employees needed, when they are needed and also what criteria are needed in a company or organization. Recruitment is basically an attempt to fill...

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Apostille Document Certificate to use Abroad

Apostille Document Certificate to use Abroad

Apostille Document Certificate to use Abroad - Launching from the page The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) through the...

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Second Home Visa in Indonesia

Second Home Visa in Indonesia

Second Home Visa in Indonesia - Launching from the official website of the Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, has officially launched a second home visa policy. The...

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Visa on Arrival in Indonesia

Visa on Arrival in Indonesia

Visa on Arrival in Indonesia - The government has reopened the Visa On Arrival (VoA) Special for Tourism for foreigners who will travel to Indonesia. The following is information related to Visa on Arrival (VoA) What is VoA? Visa on Arrival (VoA) or Visit Visa on Arrival is...

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Importance of HR System for Global Business

Importance of HR System for Global Business

Importance of HR System for Global Business - Expanding business globally and maximizing everything can give you more profit in doing business. Current technological advances, in particular, in HR management have now made it the right global solution to choose for...

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Apakah Bisa Merubah Nama PT?

Apakah Bisa Merubah Nama PT?

Apakah Bisa Merubah Nama PT? - Nama perusahaan (PT) adalah salah satu elemen paling mendasar dan kuat yang digunakan perusahaan dalam melakukan suatu bisnis. Dalam berbisnis, nama perusahaan merupakan aset. Kenapa? Karena Nama perusahaan adalah cerminan dari identitas...

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How to Convert KITAS Investors to KITAP Investors?

How to Convert KITAS Investors to KITAP Investors?

How to Convert KITAS Investors to KITAP Investors? - If you intend to stay long in Indonesia, a permanent stay permit/KITAP is the right choice. This Stay Permit is not easy to get. However, this stay permit provides enormous benefits for foreigners who want to build a...

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Do’s and Don’ts for Business Visa Holders

Do’s and Don’ts for Business Visa Holders

+62877-1449-8500Do's and don'ts for Business Visa Holders - Indonesia provides various types of Indonesian Visas to suit the needs of foreign business travelers who wish to enter the Indonesian Territory. It is very important for foreign business travelers who want to visit...

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Pengurusan Hak Cipta (HAKI) di Indonesia

Pengurusan Hak Cipta (HAKI) di Indonesia

Hak Cipta di Indonesia - Hak Cipta merupakan hak eksklusif yang dimiliki seseorang yang menciptakan ciptaan nya dan telah diwujudkan dalam bentuk nyata tanpa mengurangi pembatasan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang  berlaku. Di Indonesia, di dalam...

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Crypto Market in Indonesia Subject to VAT

Crypto Market in Indonesia Subject to VAT

Crypto Market in Indonesia Subject to VAT - Investing in cryptocurrencies or crypto assets is increasingly popular all over the world, including Indonesia. Crypto assets have great potential for startup growth. Crypto assets are increasingly in demand because of their...

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4 Jenis Firma dan Syarat Pendiriannya

4 Jenis Firma dan Syarat Pendiriannya

4 Jenis Firma dan Syarat Pendiriannya - Firma dapat dikatakan persekutuan (maatschap) adalah orang-orang yang melakukan kerja secara bersama-sama yang biasanya rekan sejawat dapat pula rekan seprofesi ataupun teman dalam hal berdagang. Maka dari itu masing-masing personal...

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What Types of Accounting Services Can Be Outsourced?

What Types of Accounting Services Can Be Outsourced?

What Types of Accounting Services Can Be Outsourced? - Time is one of the most important and valuable assets for anyone. With its very limited capacity, time is everything, to set all goals to find effective and efficient ways to manage a business. It is important for every...

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Outsourcing Recruitment Process can Help Business

Outsourcing Recruitment Process can Help Business

Outsourcing Recruitment Process can Help Business - In employment, outsourcing is not a foreign term for us. Not a few companies that implement this system in meeting the needs of the workforce. The outsourcing recruitment process (RPO), itself involves many parties. The...

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Pengurusan Izin Edar Alat Kesehatan

Pengurusan Izin Edar Alat Kesehatan

Pengurusan Izin Edar Alat Kesehatan - Di masa pandemi seperti saat ini alat kesehatan menjadi yang paling pokok dan utama paling dibutuhkan. Hal ini mendorong para pelaku usaha, baik kecil, menengah dan besar untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi alat kesehatan dan...

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Foreigners Overstay in Indonesia?

Foreigners Overstay in Indonesia?

Foreigners Overstay in Indonesia? - Sometimes there are situations where a person has to stay longer in a country that he enters. Exceeding the stay permit period that has been given/owned is a mistake. Why? because each country has its own regulations regarding stay permits...

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Memahami Perbedaan PT & CV

Memahami Perbedaan PT & CV

Memahami Perbedaan PT & CV - Membentuk badan usaha merupakan hal yang terpenting jika kita akan menjalankan suatu usaha. Keberadaan badan usaha yang sudah berbadan hukum atau terdaftar pada suatu lembaga merupakan bagian dari perlindungan dari segala tuntutan yang timbul...

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Harmonization of Tax Regulations

Harmonization of Tax Regulations

Harmonization Of Taxation Regulations - The Law on Harmonization Of Taxation Regulations Act are part of tax reform with the aim of supporting the acceleration of national development and economic recovery. The HPP Law is used to reorganize the tax system resulted in...

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Procedure for Conversion Status from ITK to ITAS

Procedure for Conversion Status from ITK to ITAS

Procedure for Conversion Status from ITK to ITAS - Quoting from page Directorate General of Immigration. Indonesian Immigration made adjustments to immigration regulations in line with the condition of the pandemic in Indonesia starting to improve. The policy of applying for...

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SNI Certification for Products

SNI Certification for Products

SNI Certification for Products - The industrial business world in Indonesia has been and is being faced with various very tight trade competitions in marketing the goods and services produced. Fulfillment of standards or specifications as well as conformity assessment...

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Indonesian ID Card for Foreigners

Indonesian ID Card for Foreigners

Indonesian ID Card for Foreigners - Identity card (KTP) is very important. Because the identity card is an official indication of a person's identity issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. KTP has many main uses, apart from being an official identity marker,...

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Payroll Services Management in Indonesia

Payroll Services Management in Indonesia

Payroll Services Management in Indonesia - Payroll Management is not like an easy and simple job, where you can combine everything at the same time. Calculating wages to be paid, and sending payslips followed by updating records is very important. To ensure that your payroll...

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Start Business in Indonesia During Pandemic

Start Business in Indonesia During Pandemic

Start Business in Indonesia During Pandemic - The outbreak of the Covid-19 outbreak around the world has caused all countries to urge the public to limit physical contact. Such as daily activities, work, study, and worship that are recommended to be done at home. This...

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Bookkeeping Outsourcing for Your Business

Bookkeeping Outsourcing for Your Business

Bookkeeping Outsourcing for Your Business - When you have started a business, then you have to make a record, be it a purchase or a sale. All purchases and sales must be recorded. And this is the job of a bookkeeper. Having a reliable and professional bookkeeper is very...

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Changing of PMDN Status to PMA

Changing of PMDN Status to PMA

Changing of PMDN status to PMA - Investment Change Registration must be owned by the investment. In Indonesia, investment has been regulated in laws and regulations, namely Law Number 25 of 2007 concerning Investment. Many foreign investors are starting to be interested in...

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Establishment a Company with a Virtual Office

Establishment a Company with a Virtual Office

Establishment a Company with a Virtual Office - Many people change professions to become entrepreneurs, because being an entrepreneur for a business that is run by yourself has many advantages. In addition to being able to manage everything according to your own standards...

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Skema Tax Amnesty Jilid 2

Skema Tax Amnesty Jilid 2

Skema Tax Amnesty Jilid 2 - Pemerintah akan menggelar "tax amnesty jilid II" atau Program Pengungkapan Sukarela (PPS) kepada wajib pajak (WP) mulai 1 Januari 2022 hingga 30 Juni 2022. Skema tax amnesty jilid II secara resmi terangkum dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang Ketentuan...

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Can Taxpayers Deactivate or Revoke NPWP?

Can Taxpayers Deactivate or Revoke NPWP?

Can Taxpayers Deactivate or Revoke NPWP? - Each country generally implements or has an obligation for every citizen to be able to carry out tax payments in accordance with the policies of each country. This obligation is carried out by all taxpayers, both individual...

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Imposition of Income Tax for Foreigners

Imposition of Income Tax for Foreigners

Imposition of Income Tax for Foreigners - Tax is an obligation for every citizen. Without exception, foreign nationals who work or earn income in other countries that are not their countries of origin. A taxpayer is generally taxed on the income he earns, although this can...

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Confused Between Choosing PEO and EOR?

Confused Between Choosing PEO and EOR?

Confused Between Choosing PEO and EOR? - All companies aspire to grow and develop quickly. With more new business competitors expanding globally each year, more businesses are also realizing that the complexity involved in expansion. Many of these companies are unprepared...

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Terminating BOD & BOC in the Company

Terminating BOD & BOC in the Company

Terminating BOD & BOC in the Company - All members of the company can be involved in the impact of the company, having responsibility and commitment is one of the keys to success in pursuing a business and to respect each other in the company. The policy commitment to...

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New Requirements for Indonesia Visa Application

New Requirements for Indonesia Visa Application

New Requirements for Indonesia Visa Application - As of Friday, September 24, 2021, the Visa Application service system for either a Visit Visa or a Limited Stay Permit for Indonesia has changed the requirements to obtain it, for both Offshore & Onshore Visa...

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Do I Need to Legalize Documents?

Do I Need to Legalize Documents?

Do I need to legalize documents? - Almost or always or possible to legalize documents. This is usually done in the country where the document originates. When submitting documents originating from one country for use in another country, the recipient often requires proof of...

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How to get an Impresariat KITAS

How to get an Impresariat KITAS

How to get an Impresariat KITAS - Incorporating some entertainment into your event? This will definitely give your participants something to remember. Invite unexpected artists who will open doors to different worlds that your guests never expected. Bringing in foreign...

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Importance of NIB for Companies

Importance of NIB for Companies

Importance of NIB for Companies - NIB or Business Identification Number is one of the important factors in establishing an Agency or company in Indonesia. Referring to Presidential Regulation Number 71 of 2017 concerning the Acceleration of Business Implementation. NIB...

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Regulation of Paid-in Capital for Foreign Companies

Regulation of Paid-in Capital for Foreign Companies

Regulation of Paid-in Capital for Foreign Companies - The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has issued Regulation No. 4 of 2021 concerning Guidelines and Procedures for Licensing and Risk-Based Investment Facilities. This regulation follows a change in the approach to...

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Differences in Employee Gross and Net Salary

Differences in Employee Gross and Net Salary

Differences in Employee Gross and Net Salary - Career plays a very important role in making a responsible individual. For some people, a career or job is just to pass the time. For some it may be a decent source of income, and for some, it is life. Someone who works in an...

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How to Apply for a Visit Visa for Business Purposes

How to Apply for a Visit Visa for Business Purposes

How to Apply for a Visit Visa for Business Purposes - During the pandemic, Indonesia has severely restricted its policies towards foreigners. Foreigners are only allowed to enter Indonesia under certain conditions. With current conditions, tourists cannot enter Indonesia...

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Dissolution of the Company in Indonesia

Dissolution of the Company in Indonesia

+62877-1449-8500Dissolution of the Company in Indonesia - The main purpose of establishing a company and opening up business opportunities is to make a profit. But running a business often doesn't go well, many problems arise in running a business. When a company continues...

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Bali will Reopen for Foreign Tourists

Bali will Reopen for Foreign Tourists

Bali will Reopen for Foreign Tourists - Bali is a very popular tourist destination in Indonesia among local and foreign tourists. Bali has its own magnet that can attract tourists from various parts of the world. Bali has various types of tourism ranging from nature,...

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The Difference Between Headhunting and Recruiting

The Difference Between Headhunting and Recruiting

The Difference Between Headhunting and Recruiting - National or International companies that are trying to grow and become more advanced need talented people from all over the world. Finding and attracting the right talented candidates has never been easier or faster. This...

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Basic Accounting Concepts Business Owner Should Know

Basic Accounting Concepts Business Owner Should Know

Basic Accounting Concepts Business Owner Should Know - Having skills and understanding basic accounting concepts is very important in running a business. Apart from being able to help in making better predictions about the future of the company regarding past sales and...

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Can Foreigners Own Property in Indonesia?

Can Foreigners Own Property in Indonesia?

Can Foreigners Own Property in Indonesia? - Property is a term that describes everything that a person or business legally owns, which gives the owner certain enforceable rights over these items. Purchasing property aims to get a Return of Investment (ROI) either through...

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How Does HR Outsourcing Work?

How Does HR Outsourcing Work?

How Does HR Outsourcing Work? - Human resources are one of the most important assets in running a business. However, many businesses do not have a designated HR department so the job is entrusted to a business owner or executive.  All entrepreneurs grapple with human...

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License Required for Geothermal Companies in Indonesia

License Required for Geothermal Companies in Indonesia

License Required for Geothermal Companies in Indonesia - Indonesia has possibly the highest geothermal power potential of any country, with geothermal resources estimated at 28,000 megawatts (MW).  Geothermal power in Indonesia is an increasingly significant renewable energy...

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Construction Company (BUJK) in Indonesia & How to Set Up?

Construction Company (BUJK) in Indonesia & How to Set Up?

Construction Company (BUJK) in Indonesia & How to Set Up? - Construction service is an industry that continues to grow along with the rapid development of the times. Building new or additional structures seems to be an inevitable part of human progress. The development...

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Positive List of Indonesian Investment (DPI)

Positive List of Indonesian Investment (DPI)

Positive List of Indonesian Investments (DPI) - With the passing of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning "Cipta Kerja" or what is known as the Omnibus Law, the Indonesian government introduced two main things related to the implementation of business activities, i.e;  a positive...

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Legalization of Indonesian Documents for Overseas Needs?

Legalization of Indonesian Documents for Overseas Needs?

Legalization of Indonesian Documents for Overseas Needs? - Moving to overseas is becoming increasingly popular and has many benefits such as traveling to new places, meeting new people and new cultures. For some people, moving to overseas is a necessity, while for others it...

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Hiring Foreign Pilots in Indonesia

Hiring Foreign Pilots in Indonesia

Hiring Foreign Pilots in Indonesia - Pilot is  airplane driver, pilot or airman is the name for a person who piloted or manned an airplane. As a profession that demands expertise / skills in piloting an airplane, a pilot must take official exams held by aviation schools and...

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Pembuatan Slip Gaji Karyawan

Pembuatan Slip Gaji Karyawan

Pembuatan Slip Gaji Karyawan - Setiap pekerja pasti akan mendapatkan upah atau imbalan atas pekerjaannya yang sering disebut Gaji. Gaji diberikan oleh perusahaan dimana pekerja itu bekerja. Besarnya gaji yang diterima karyawan dari perusahaan akan tertera pada slip gaji yang...

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Registration of Cosmetic Products in Indonesia

Registration of Cosmetic Products in Indonesia

Registration of cosmetic products in Indonesia - If you have the idea of ​​starting a cosmetics business, you may be wondering how much it will cost and whether it will be profitable or not and how the processes and procedures have a marketing license in the destination...

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How to Register a Trading Companies in Indonesia

How to Register a Trading Companies in Indonesia

How to Register a Trading Companies in Indonesia - The business market, where businesses trade raw materials, resources and components, can undergo significant changes from international trade. This can be caused by the times and the effects of uncertainty or speculation...

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How to Setup a Fintech Company in Indonesia

How to Setup a Fintech Company in Indonesia

How to Setup a Fintech Company in Indonesia - Fintech startups worldwide have increased from 12,131 in 2018 to 20,925 in 2020. This significant 72% growth has increased in the past two years. This means that fintech development will continue to grow. In Indonesia alone, the...

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Why Choose Accounting & Payroll Outsource?

Why Choose Accounting & Payroll Outsource?

Why Choose Accounting & Payroll Outsource? - An option that most businesses consider is to hire someone to handle accounting and payroll duties. However, hiring in-house staff is not the most practical option for small businesses and startups. Having employees on their...

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Hiring a Foreign Chef in Indonesia?

Hiring a Foreign Chef in Indonesia?

Hiring a Foreign Chef in Indonesia? - A chef is someone who has cooking skills in a place and is trusted to lead the kitchen and create menu mixes. The chef is also someone who likes to provide training and cooking techniques to other members of the kitchen. A chef generally...

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Advantages of Using PEO and EOR Outsourcing Services

Advantages of Using PEO and EOR Outsourcing Services

Advantages of Using PEO and EOR Outsourcing Services - Professional Employer Organisation (PEO) and Employer of Record (EOR) are secondment services that help businesses with overseas deployment. Under PEO/EOR businesses will not have to set up a legal entity to set up a...

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Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Indonesia

Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Indonesia

Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Indonesia - SEZ are areas with certain boundaries that are covered by regions to carry out economic functions and obtain certain facilities.  SEZs are developed through the preparation of areas that have geo-economic and geo-strategic...

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Pendaftaran BPJS Kesehatan Karyawan

Pendaftaran BPJS Kesehatan Karyawan

Pendaftaran BPJS Kesehatan Karyawan - dapat dilakukan oleh perusahaan jika karyawan belum terdaftar sebagai peserta BPJS Kesehatan, namun jika karyawan telah terdaftar sebagai peserta, perusahaan dapat memigrasi status karyawan tersebut dan mendaftarkannya sebagai peserta...

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Frequently Asked Questions about of KITAS

Frequently Asked Questions about of KITAS

Frequently Asked Questions about of KITAS - Surely many of you have questions about KITAS, and the following are questions about KITAS that are summarized by Indoservice. What is KITAS?  Kitas (Limited Stay Permit Card) is a permit document that can be used by foreign...

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Pendaftaran NPWP Karyawan Perusahaan

Pendaftaran NPWP Karyawan Perusahaan

Pendaftaran NPWP karyawan Perusahaan - Merupakan kewajiban bagi perusahaan yang mempekerjakan karyawan yang belum memiliki NPWP namun karyawan tersebut telah memenuhi syarat sebagai wajib pajak. NPWP adalah singkatan dari Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak yang diberikan Ditjen Pajak...

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Tax Card (NPWP) Registration for Employee

Tax Card (NPWP) Registration for Employee

Tax Card (NPWP) Registration for Employee - Registration of employees' NPWP is an obligation for companies that employ employees who do not yet have an NPWP but these employees meet the requirements as taxpayers. NPWP stands for Taxpayer Identification Number given by the...

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Perjanjian Kerja Karyawan

Perjanjian Kerja Karyawan

Perjanjian Kerja Karyawan - Persiapan dokumen perusahaan bagi karyawan dalam suatu perusahaan meliputi antara lain perjanjian kerja karyawan, pendaftaran npwp karyawan (bagi karyawan yang diwajibkan memiliki npwp), pendaftaran bpjs ketenagakerjaan dan pendaftaran bpjs...

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Fasilitas Pajak Industri Farmasi

Fasilitas Pajak Industri Farmasi

Fasilitas Pajak Industri Farmasi - Demi memberikan stimulus pada roda perekonomian di masa pandemi covid 19, pemerintah melakukan banyak perubahan-perubahan dan juga memberikan kebijakan-kebijakan yang tentu saja dengan harapan seluruh sektor perekonomian Kembali bangkit...

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Reciprocal Green Lane Indonesia & Singapore

Reciprocal Green Lane Indonesia & Singapore

Reciprocal Green Lane Indonesia & Singapore - On October 12, 2020 Indonesia officially conducts a Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA) with Singapore, which is called the Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL). With this RGL, the Indonesian people can make business, diplomatic and...

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Apakah Tenaga Kerja Asing Bebas Pajak?

Apakah Tenaga Kerja Asing Bebas Pajak?

Apakah Tenaga Kerja Asing Bebas Pajak? - Disahkannya UU Cipta Kerja oleh pemerintah Indonesia membuat cukup banyak polemik di dalam dunia perekonomian Indonesia itu sendiri, bidang perpajakan salah satu cluster yang tersentuh dalam UU Cipta Kerja, namun hal ini tentu...

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What is Include in Employee’s Payroll?

What is Include in Employee’s Payroll?

What is Include in Employee’s Payroll? - The payroll system for employees in a company must comply with applicable money laws. According to Manpower Act number 13 of 2003, article 1, paragraph 3 states that an employee is any person who works and receives wages or other...

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Sasaran Utama Perpajakan UU Cipta Kerja

Sasaran Utama Perpajakan UU Cipta Kerja

Sasaran Utama Perpajakan UU Cipta Kerja - Perpajakan termasuk kedalam Undang-Undang (UU) Cipta Kerja dan bagian dari RUU Omnibuslaw, ada beberapa sasaran utama perpajakan UU Cipta Kerja hal ini dilakukan oleh pemerintah sebagai dampak pandemi Covid 19 yang membuat...

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Sistem Payroll Karyawan Perusahaan di Indonesia

Sistem Payroll Karyawan Perusahaan di Indonesia

Sistem Payroll Karyawan Perusahaan di Indonesia - Sistem payroll karyawan dalam suatu perusahaan harus diatur sesuai dengan undang-undang yang berlaku. Menurut undang-undang nomor 13 tahun 2003 tentang ketenagakerjaan, dalam pasal 1 ayat 3 menyatakan bahwa pekerja adalah...

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Who Can Getting a KITAP (Permanent Stay) in Indonesia

Who Can Getting a KITAP (Permanent Stay) in Indonesia

Who Can Getting a KITAP (Permanent Stay) in Indonesia - Permanent residence is the status of a person in a country where they are not citizens but where they have the right to permanent residence. This is usually for a long period of time. A person with such status is known...

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Indonesia Implements e-Visa (Electronic Visa)

Indonesia Implements e-Visa (Electronic Visa)

Indonesia Implements e-Visa (Electronic Visa) - The Electronic Visa (e-Visa) has emerged as one of the most innovative services implemented in the area of freedom of movement and people-to-people contacts. Indonesian immigration has issued new regulations regarding visas and...

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How to Get MUI Halal Certificate

How to Get MUI Halal Certificate

How to Get MUI Halal Certificate - For those of you who do business in the fields of Food, Medicines, and Cosmetics, Halal Certificate is a certificate which states that a product such as food, beverage, cosmetics, and so on does not contain any prohibited elements or...

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APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC)

APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC)

APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) - With the increase in business travel activities in the trade and investment sector between the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation / APEC, the simplicity in the immigration process is an inevitable need. Therefore, an agreement emerged to...

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e-Faktur 3.0 Application

e-Faktur 3.0 Application

e-Faktur 3.0 Application - The national implementation of e-faktur 3.0 application will be started next month which believed can narrow the violation gap in relation to the VAT. One of the most violations we found on public and acted upon the Directorate General of Tax is...

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How Virtual Office Can Benefit Your Startup?

How Virtual Office Can Benefit Your Startup?

How Virtual Office Can Benefit Your Startup? - Is a virtual office beneficial? The answer is yes. For startup founders who want to start a business or already have the business ongoing, but keep it on hold because of the office rental costs issue, a business zone is...

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Bantuan Subsidi BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

Bantuan Subsidi BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

Bantuan Subsidi BPJS Ketenagakerjaan - Pada 26 Agustus 2020, Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) antara Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Ida Fauziah dengan Komisi IX DPR RI di Gedung Parlemen untuk membahas penetapan pencairan Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) bagi karyawan yang bergaji dibawah 5...

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Cara Pendaftaran Izin Edar BPOM

Cara Pendaftaran Izin Edar BPOM

Cara Pendaftaran Izin Edar BPOM - Izin Edar merupakan bentuk persetujuan registrasi produk yang akan diedarkan di Indonesia. Setiap produk pangan olahan yang beredar wajib memiliki izin resmi dari BPOM yang dikeluarkan oleh Dinas Kesehatan dan Badan POM. Hal ini tertuang...

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Registering Tax Card (NPWP) at 4 State Owned Banks

Registering Tax Card (NPWP) at 4 State Owned Banks

Registering Tax Card (NPWP) at 4 State Owned Banks - The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) cooperates with the Association of State Owned Banks (Himbara) related to the registration and validation of taxpayer identification numbers (NPWP) electronically. E-Registration and...

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Starting a Business with a Limited Budget

Starting a Business with a Limited Budget

Starting a Business with a Limited Budget - Running a business certainly requires a place to carry out the business operations of the company. Without an office, the company's operational processes will be hampered. The importance of an office makes many office rental...

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Common Mistakes in Doing Payroll

Common Mistakes in Doing Payroll

Common Mistakes in Doing Payroll - Payroll can be the biggest expense for any company, but it is complicated and error-prone. Every company can make mistakes in the employee payroll process. Companies have their own ways and policies in the employee payroll process. There...

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How To Make A New or Forgotten EFIN

How To Make A New or Forgotten EFIN

How To Make A New or Forgotten EFIN - Among the many questions that are often asked in DGT social media accounts are how to create EFIN and how to get EFIN again for forgetting. The need to remember EFIN usually arises when taxpayers (WP) who will report annual tax returns...

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Association Licensing Process

Association Licensing Process

Association Licensing Process - After discussing the definition, purposes and types of association in the previous article (Type of Association in Indonesia), we would like to share the licensing process of association as a Legal Entity. As we mentioned before, there is also...

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What is EFIN?

What is EFIN?

What is EFIN? - Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) is an identification number issued by the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) to taxpayers who conduct electronic transactions with the DGT. One of the transactions is SPT reporting through e-Filing and making tax...

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Type of Association in Indonesia

Type of Association in Indonesia

Type of Association in Indonesia - Association is a joint place for individuals, groups, members of a particular company or profession who want to achieve a common goal in the field of non-profit. The members agreed to hold a partnership to achieve a common goal, namely to...

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How to Submit a PP Certificate 23/2018 Online

How to Submit a PP Certificate 23/2018 Online

How to Submit a PP Certificate 23/2018 Online - Final 0.5% PPh tariff is one of the government's fiscal instruments to encourage micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to enter the tax administration system, as well as to contribute to the national economy. This MSME...

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Annual Tax Return (SPT) Filling Guidance for Freelancers

Annual Tax Return (SPT) Filling Guidance for Freelancers

Annual Tax Return (SPT) Filling Guidance for Freelancers - Did you know that the status of permanent employees and temporary employees or freelancers can affect the tax obligations of the employees concerned? The answer is yes, the tax provisions for permanent and...

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What You Need To Know About e-Bupot Application

What You Need To Know About e-Bupot Application

What You Need To Know About e-Bupot Application - Following KEP-269/PJ/2020 issued by The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT), DGT determines taxable entrepreneurs (PKP) registered at KPP Pratama throughout Indonesia as tax withholder/collector of income tax (PPh) Article 23...

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The Importance of Mandatory Manpower Report for Companies

The Importance of Mandatory Manpower Report for Companies

The Importance of Mandatory Manpower Report for Companies - In addition to managing all permits, there is a very important thing to fulfill before establishing a company, the Mandatory Manpower Report/WLK. Based on Law No. 7 of 1981 Article 4 paragraph 1 concerning the...

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Tax Collection for Digital Business

Tax Collection for Digital Business

Tax Collection for Digital Business - Indonesian government has determined the collection of VAT on the sale of digital goods and services by sellers by foreign traders or service providers, both directly and through the marketplace platform. With the enactment of these...

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Utilization of Tax Incentives Realization Report

Utilization of Tax Incentives Realization Report

Utilization of Tax Incentives Realization Report - The Directorate General of Tax released a new regulation that provides an explanation and procedure for submitting reports on the realization of the use of tax incentives for taxpayers affected by the covid-19 pandemic. The...

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Why is an Accountant Needed in a Company?

Why is an Accountant Needed in a Company?

Why is an Accountant Needed in a Company? - What is Accounting? Accounting is the activity of recording, processing and presenting data, ranging from transactions and events related to finance to the formation of financial statements. In the accounting classification has a...

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Prevention of Covid-19 Pandemic

Prevention of Covid-19 Pandemic

Prevention of Covid-19 Pandemic - Coronavirus transmission occurs from children, adults, to the elderly can be affected by the disease with the official name COVID-19. In Indonesia, the government has also announced that there are corona positive patients. This news...

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Omnibus Law for Better Investment

Omnibus Law for Better Investment

Omnibus Law for Better Investment - All countries are competing to attract investment, including Indonesia by creating an Omnibus Law to simplify convoluted and overlapping rules. There are 79 laws in Omnibus Law, with 1,244 articles. Simplifying and harmonizing laws is not...

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What is Investment Realization Report or LKPM?

What is Investment Realization Report or LKPM?

What is Investment Realization Report or LKPM? - Based on Law No. 25 of 2007, Investment Realization Report which includes the development of investment and the obstacles faced by investors are regularly submitted to the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and the regional...

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Index Visas In Indonesia

Index Visas In Indonesia

Index Visas In Indonesia - In addition to a passport, a visa is also needed for someone to travel abroad. A visa is an official document issued by a country that contains a permit to allow someone to enter the territory of a country. But not just any visa can be used to...

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Paid-up Capital and Investment of PT PMA

Paid-up Capital and Investment of PT PMA

Paid-up Capital and Investment of PT PMA - In Law No. 25 of 2007, everything is regulated regarding Investment. And based on Article 5 Paragraph (2) of this Law, there is an Investment Law (UUPM) which states that foreign investment in Indonesia must be present in the form...

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Now Investors Do Not Need Visa Recommendations

Now Investors Do Not Need Visa Recommendations

Now Investors Do Not Need Visa Recommendations - The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) integrates Online Single Submission (OSS) and the Immigration Information and Management System (SIMKIM) under the Directorate General of Immigration. The integration of this system...

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Immigration Letter (SKIM)

Immigration Letter (SKIM)

Immigration Letter (SKIM) - Immigration Letter or so-called SKIM is an immigration document that contains information about the period of stay of foreign citizens in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia for 5 (five) consecutive years or 10 (ten) non-consecutive years...

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Fine Provisions For Overstay Foreign Citizens

Fine Provisions For Overstay Foreign Citizens

Fine Provisions For Overstay Foreign Citizens - Exceeding the period of stay permit in a country has its own rules and policies, it also applies in Indonesia. The new fine rules for foreign nationals that exceed their current stay permit limit are tighter compared to the...

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Tax Payment Slip

Tax Payment Slip

Tax Payment Slip - Tax Payment Slip or SSP, has long been known by the public, especially among taxpayers. Tax Payment Slip is proof of tax payments that have been made through filling out forms intended for the state treasury through the payment location determined by the...

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Increase of BPJS Healthcare Premiums

Increase of BPJS Healthcare Premiums

Increase of BPJS Healthcare Premiums - The news for your company that has been registered as a BPJS participant, does your company provide BPJS healthcare for its employees as their benefit? If yes, starting as of January 1, 2020, through Presidential Regulation (PERPRES)...

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Police Report and Expatriate Identity Card for KITAS Holder

Police Report and Expatriate Identity Card for KITAS Holder

Police Report and Expatriate Identity Card for KITAS Holder - To stay in Indonesia, it’s not only finished until the KITAS itself. Some people are misunderstood that to legally stay and work here it only needs Work and Stay Permit (KITAS). The reality is not, the expatriate...

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Permanent Stay Permit for Foreigners in Indonesia

Permanent Stay Permit for Foreigners in Indonesia

Permanent Stay Permit for Foreigners in Indonesia - Before applying for a work permit or stay permit, you need to pay attention to the procedures of each permit as some foreigners are confused between the KITAS (Limited Work and Stay Permit) and KITAP (Permanent Stay Permit)...

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Year-End Tax Planning

Year-End Tax Planning

Year-End Tax Planning - Towards the end of the tax year, there are several obligations that must be fulfilled by the taxpayer. We will share how you should plan it here. Review all taxes that will be owed, starting with Article 21 Income Tax, Withholding Tax, corporate...

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Indonesian Employment Contracts

Indonesian Employment Contracts

Indonesian Employment Contracts - PKWT is an abbreviation for Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu (specific time employment agreement). Whereas PKWTT is Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tidak Tertentu (indefinite time employment agreement). According to Article 1 number 14 of Law No. 13...

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OSS 1.1 is Officially Launched

OSS 1.1 is Officially Launched

OSS 1.1 is Officially Launched - The government continues to boost efforts to simplify investment licensing. Identification of problems in the regions that are considered to hamper investment over the past year has been completed. This can be seen in the Online Single...

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Indonesian Director in Foreign Owned

Indonesian Director in Foreign Owned

Indonesian Director in Foreign Owned - Based on a limited liability company law, every limited liability company including a foreign owned limited liability company must have at least one director, one commissioner, and two shareholders. The question is it mandatory to have...

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Revocation of Indonesian Citizenship

Revocation of Indonesian Citizenship

Revocation of Indonesian Citizenship - Based on Citizenship Act Number 12 Year 2006, it is stated that citizenship status can be revoked when someone has taken an oath of loyalty to another country and get citizenship status from another country. But how does the process of...

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Vehicle Ownership for Foreigners in Indonesia

Vehicle Ownership for Foreigners in Indonesia

Vehicle Ownership for Foreigners in Indonesia - If you are a foreign citizen and want to have a vehicle in Indonesia, this information that we are sharing might be useful to you. Let’s start with the first question, is it allow for a foreigner to own a vehicle in Indonesia?...

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Virtual Office Regulations

Virtual Office Regulations

Virtual Office Regulations - Virtual Office aren’t anything new in Indonesia, but it’s still trending and become the future of office industry. A virtual office enables businesses to have many of the benefits of a physical office but without any actual space or desks. Now,...

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2019 Annual Tax Reporting

2019 Annual Tax Reporting

2019 Annual Tax Reporting - Time to report the annual tax is coming! 2019 annual tax reporting will be over and the obligation to report the annual tax for company and individual is approaching soon. What you should know about reporting this annual tax in Indonesia? 1....

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PNBP Limited Stay Permit Indonesia

PNBP Limited Stay Permit Indonesia

PNBP Limited Stay Permit Indonesia - Non-Tax State Revenues (PNBP) for Indonesia Limited Stay Permit (Izin Tinggal Terbatas/KITAS) are different for each type of KITAS. Previously, all PNBP are being paid in the Indonesian Embassy of the applicant’s country. Now each PNBP...

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Two Citizenships for Mixed Child (Affidavit)

Two Citizenships for Mixed Child (Affidavit)

Two Citizenships for Mixed Child (Affidavit) - It’s quite many to find a local Indonesian who gets married to a foreigner in Indonesia. When they got married and preferred to live here instead of in the spouse’s country, then the parents can register their kid to have two...

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Newborn Stay Permit Indonesia

Newborn Stay Permit Indonesia

Newborn Stay Permit Indonesia - Many foreigners live and work in Indonesia, either the ones with a family and bring their family with them or they live separately as the family lives in their home country. But if the ones who are planning to give birth in Jakarta for example...

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What are Exit Permit EPO and ERP for?

What are Exit Permit EPO and ERP for?

What are Exit Permit EPO and ERP for? - There are a lot of job opportunities in Indonesia which allow local people or expatriates to work in this area. For the expatriates, of course they need a working permit or KITAS to work legally in Indonesia. The usual employment...

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How to Get Married with Indonesian as a Foreigner

How to Get Married with Indonesian as a Foreigner

How to Get Married with Indonesian as Foreigner - Generally in Indonesia, the marriage cannot be in different religion, either one of them needs to convert to the partner’s religion so they can move forward to the marriage process. To get married with an Indonesian as a...

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How Indonesia Payroll Works?

How Indonesia Payroll Works?

How Indonesia Payroll Works? - When the company is growing, hiring employees might be needed to streamline the business process. As an employer, knowing how to manage payroll for your employees is important since it isn’t nearly as simple as just paying salaries. In...

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Withholding Tax in Indonesia

Withholding Tax in Indonesia

Withholding Tax in Indonesia - So many types of withholding tax (PPh) applied in Indonesia, such as Article 21, Article 22, Article 29, and Article 25. Let’s discuss each of Article. Withholding Tax Article 21 This tax will be charged to any kind of income such as salary,...

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Employment Visa Indonesia

Employment Visa Indonesia

Employment Visa Indonesia - Foreigners who are planning to work in Indonesia usually confused if the employer asks them to do so. First thing that comes to their mind is “Do I need a visa?” and then they start to look over it on Google. But, some of the information seem like...

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Indonesia Visa on Arrival or Visa-Free?

Indonesia Visa on Arrival or Visa-Free?

Indonesia Visa on Arrival or Visa-Free? - Foreigners who are planning to visit Indonesia and confused about which kind of vsa should they choose between Visa on Arrival or Visa-Free, here we tell you about what is the difference between those kinds of visa. 1. Visa-Free...

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The Importance of Using EFIN

The Importance of Using EFIN

The Importance of Using EFIN - Various facilities are given in the tax reporting process. One of them is using the Electronic Filing system or Tax e-Filing. Annual Tax Reporting (SPT) online is made so people don't need to queue for the tax reporting process. The taxpayers...

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Virtual Office Simplify Creative Industries

Virtual Office Simplify Creative Industries

Virtual Office Simplify Creative Industries - Vrtual Office Simplify Creative Industries Living in the millennial era makes Virtual Offce so popular. Virtual Office becomes an alternative for creative industries which has significant growth for showing a positive trend.  One...

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DPKK Exemption for Investor Stay Permits

DPKK Exemption for Investor Stay Permits

DPKK Exemption for Investor Stay Permits - If you are investors who hold a position as shareholders, directors, or commissioners with share ownership more than IDR 1,000,000,000 or shareholders who are not the directors or commissioners of the company but own the shares more...

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How to Live Legally in Indonesia as Foreigners?

How to Live Legally in Indonesia as Foreigners?

How to Live Legally in Indonesia as Foreigners? - Speaking of how to live legally in Indonesia, you need either to work under a legal entity in Indonesia or have an Indonesian spouse. If you have an Indonesian spouse, you must obtain Spouse KITAS (limited stay permit) which...

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How to Have Property for Foreigners in Indonesia?

How to Have Property for Foreigners in Indonesia?

How to Have Property for Foreigners in Indonesia? - Some of us might be confused about how to buy and own the property in Indonesia, either to buy an apartment or house. The reason for foreigners to own this property, mostly to do the investment, as this type of investment...

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Corporate Income Tax rate and Facility

Corporate Income Tax rate and Facility

Corporate Income Tax rate and Facility - The responsibility to calculate, deposit and report the Income Tax Due is an implementation of the self-assessment system in Indonesia, no exception for the Corporate Taxpayer. Corporate Income Tax will be charged after the fiscal...

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Worry-free Without Letter Of Domicile

Worry-free Without Letter Of Domicile

Worry-free Without Letter Of Domicile - Talking about Letter of Domicile for your company establishment license, our local government updated the regulation that now, we don’t need to use Letter of Domicile or Surat Keterangan Domisili, both for Surat Keterangan Domisili...

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Difficulties of Doing Business in Indonesia

Difficulties of Doing Business in Indonesia

Difficulties Doing business in Indonesia - is not as easy at it sounds, especially setting up the foundation of the business. Even-though Indonesia has a lot of natural and human resources but still, sometimes the foreigners find it difficult to figure out how to start the...

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Indoservice was established in 2019 and helps clients who want to expand or establish a business in Indonesia. We have been providing services to several local and multinational companies.


Plaza Mutiara 8th Floor
Jl. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung
Kuningan Timur, Jakarta Selatan 12950
