Foreigners Overstay in Indonesia? Sometimes there are situations where a person has to stay longer in a country that he enters. Exceeding the stay permit period that has been given/owned is a mistake. Why? because each country has its own regulations regarding stay permits for foreigners.

Acts that exceed the period of stay/overstay permit will be subject to administrative sanctions, both fines and deportation in accordance with the legal provisions in force in a country.

Based on the explanation above, below, we will discuss the overstay action and how much the fine must be paid and where it must be paid and what sanctions will be applied. In Indonesia itself specifically has regulations for this. That is stated in Law No. 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration (Immigration Law) Article 78.

The following reads:

  1. Foreigners who hold a Stay Permit whose validity period has expired and are still in the Indonesian Territory less than 60 (sixty) days from the time limit of the Stay Permit are subject to a fee in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
  2. Foreigners who do not pay the fees as referred to in paragraph (1) are subject to Immigration Administrative Actions in the form of Deportation and Deterrence.
  3. Foreigner holding a Stay Permit whose validity period has expired and is still in the Indonesian Territory for more than 60 (sixty) days from the time limit of the Stay Permit is subject to Immigration Administrative Actions in the form of Deportation and Deterrence.

What is Overstay?

Overstay (in English) when translated into Indonesian means staying or staying longer in a place beyond the limit or period of time that has been set/given in a country.

How Much is the Fine for Overstay Violations in Indonesia?

Based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 28 of 2019 concerning Types and Tariffs for Types of Non-Tax State Revenues Applicable to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, if there are foreigners who stay more than the permit (overstay) they will be subject to a fine of Rp. 1 million per day.

Where to Make Payments for Overstay Violations in Indonesia?

Payment fee Violation of stay/overstay in Indonesia is paid to the government (non-tax state revenue).

The Directorate General of Immigration facilitates foreign nationals who will pay overstay fees by building an Immigration Payment System (IMPAS). Through IMPAS, foreigners or their sponsors can pay online after receiving the SIMPONI billing code at the Immigration Border Control at the airport.

Payments can be made using the State Revenue payment feature available on mobile banking, internet banking, ATMs, or Himbara bank tellers.

(from the page:

What are the Consequences for Foreigners Who Overstay in Indonesia?

  1. Imprisonment and/or fines;
  2. Deportation;
  3. Difficulty in getting an Indonesian visa again;
  4. Enter the blacklist;


Avoiding overstay is a good thing and also what you should avoid with the following the immigration laws and regulations that apply in Indonesia. Overstay can be considered a violation of the law, so there are various types and levels of risk that will be borne.

Starting from having to pay a fine, or having a bad track record so that it will be difficult for you one day if you want to return to Indonesia by making the same visa on another occasion.

Let’s extend your stay permit before it’s too late or leave before your stay permit expires!

If you are in need of Visa and Stay Permit services for foreigners in Indonesia. You can contact us, Indoservice.

Indoservice, Immigration Service Consultant, as a trusted and experienced formality service provider, is committed to providing the best and fast service to meet your needs for Visa, KITAS, KITAP, and other immigration documents in Indonesia.

Call us now at Telp./Whatsapp +62877-1449-8500 or email at for consultation services and special offers and the best prices from us.


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Foreigners Overstay in Indonesia?
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Foreigners Overstay in Indonesia?
How do foreigners overstay in Indonesia? In Indonesia itself specifically has regulations for this. See more.
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