Obligations of Corporate Taxpayers and Corporate PKP - In Indonesia, corporate taxpayers and corporate PKP (Pengusaha Kena Pajak or VAT-registered...

Obligations of Corporate Taxpayers and Corporate PKP - In Indonesia, corporate taxpayers and corporate PKP (Pengusaha Kena Pajak or VAT-registered...
13 Steps to Setup a PMA in Bali - Indonesia offers various promising business opportunities, one of which is the Bali area. Many foreign and local...
Extension Reporting Annual Tax to Avoid Sanctions - Reporting Annual Tax Returns (SPT) is a responsibility that must be fulfilled by all Taxpayers,...
Why Does a Business Have to Register a Trademark? - Trademark is a symbol that can be thought of as a guardian of healthy business competition. In...
Hiring Talents in Indonesia - Indonesia has one of the biggest populations in Asia. It is home to more than 278 million people as of 2023. A good...
Manufacture Company in Indonesia - In Indonesia there are several types of companies, one of them is manufacturing companies. In terms of economics,...
PMA Taxation for Foreign Investors in Indonesia - Indonesia, with large population and rapidly developing economy has become an attractive...
Established a Construction Services Company in Indonesia - Buildings are one of the most important basic human needs. Being part of clothing and...
Get to Know the Difference Between PT PMA and Representative Office - As time goes by and economic stability, quite a few foreign investors are...
PTKP Rates 2024 for Taxpayers and Calculation Mechanism - The government, through the Ministry of Finance, has changed the format for calculating...
Term of Office of Directors and Commissioners in the Company - One of the most important parts in establishing a company (PT) is the presence of...
How to Choose the Right Virtual Office - Many employers want to change their style and work system from before, which takes a lot of money and time....
Establishing a Beauty Business in Indonesia? - Industry Business in the field of beauty is increasingly popular currently. The beauty market is a...
Best Solution for Dealing with Recruiting - Interviews are important when recruiting new employees. Why? Because for most companies, face-to-face...
Benefits of Hiring Top Talent - Finding people who have the best talents and abilities is a challenge. Why? Some argue that it is genetics. Finding...
Types of Income Tax in Indonesia - Income Tax (PPh) is a type of tax that plays the biggest role in a country's source of income. Why? because taxes...
Sworn Translation Documents for Use Abroad - Sworn translations are now increasingly needed in this era of globalization to be able to enter the...
How to Setup PMA in Indonesia? - Moving overseas can be an exciting opportunity for business people. There are many opportunities to start a new...
Jaminan Kehilangan Pekerjaan (JKP) - Informasi baik untuk tenaga kerja yang mengalami PHK. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia sudah meresmikan Program...
Positions allowed for TKA in Finance and Insurance Sector - The financial services and insurance industry includes businesses that provide a wide...
How to Calculate Payroll - Calculation of employee payroll errors can occur in the calculation. Ensuring accurate and timely payment of wages is...
Can the Foundation Use Foreign Workers? - The legal basis of the new foundation was first published in 2001 which was ratified in the Law of the...
Human Resource Compliance in Global (Indonesia) - Every business entity or company must ensure that they have complied with and followed the laws...
Recommendation Letter to KITAP Investor - For foreign investment companies (PMA), the government provides easy service in terms of permits for...
Benefits of Financial Reports for Business Owner - Financial statements are important documents of an entity that show the financial status of the...
How to Implement an Effective Remote Working Strategy? - Remote work during a pandemic is on the rise in the world. Even though we have the ability...
The Point Foreigners must know for a Work Visa in Indonesia - Every foreigner who will work in Indonesia must have a work permit and work visa from...
Positions TKA for P2P Lending Companies - Technology is getting more and more advanced every day. The presence of technology now makes our lives...
Jenis Tipe Saham Perusahaan di Indonesia - Banyak pemilik bisnis mempertimbangkan untuk berbagi kepemilikan saham bisnis mereka dengan satu atau...
Mistake in the Process Recruitment - Recruitment is a planning decision about human resource management regarding the number of employees needed,...
Provisions for Concurrent Positions of TKA in Indonesia - Business developments in the current era of globalization encourage a very significant...
Importance of HR System for Global Business - Expanding business globally and maximizing everything can give you more profit in doing business....
How to Convert KITAS Investors to KITAP Investors? - If you intend to stay long in Indonesia, a permanent stay permit/KITAP is the right choice....
+62877-1449-8500Do's and don'ts for Business Visa Holders - Indonesia provides various types of Indonesian Visas to suit the needs of foreign...
What Types of Accounting Services Can Be Outsourced? - Time is one of the most important and valuable assets for anyone. With its very limited...
Outsourcing Recruitment Process can Help Business - In employment, outsourcing is not a foreign term for us. Not a few companies that implement this...
Start Business in Indonesia During Pandemic - The outbreak of the Covid-19 outbreak around the world has caused all countries to urge the public to...
Bookkeeping Outsourcing for Your Business - When you have started a business, then you have to make a record, be it a purchase or a sale. All...
Changing of PMDN status to PMA - Investment Change Registration must be owned by the investment. In Indonesia, investment has been regulated in laws...
Get to know Authorized and Paid Up Capital Establishment of a Company - The times are always changing, especially in new businesses, which makes us...
Participation in BPJS Health & Employment for Foreign Workers - BPJS Health and Employment is mandatory for all company employees. Because BPJS...
How to Hire an Independent Contractor in Indonesia - Many small business owners prefer to work with independent contractors over hiring employees....
New regulations for entering Indonesia for foreigners (WNA) - The Directorate General of Immigration has updated the regulations restricting...
Guide on how to run an export business for beginners - International trade is not only carried out by developed countries but also by developing...
Managing Permits for the Use of Foreign Workers in Indonesia - Opening horizons and seeking new experiences into the international job market and...
Reasons to Outsource Accounting & Bookkeeping Functions - Many small & medium businesses both for startups or those that are running,...
Confused Between Choosing PEO and EOR? - All companies aspire to grow and develop quickly. With more new business competitors expanding globally...
Terminating BOD & BOC in the Company - All members of the company can be involved in the impact of the company, having responsibility and...
Common Mistakes When Starting Establishment Companies - Establishing your own company/business is very beautiful, challenging and also difficult....
Importance of NIB for Companies - NIB or Business Identification Number is one of the important factors in establishing an Agency or company in...
Regulation of Paid-in Capital for Foreign Companies - The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has issued Regulation No. 4 of 2021 concerning...
Indonesian Work Culture that Foreigners Need to Know - Some might assume that working anywhere would have the same circumstances. That person may be...
+62877-1449-8500Dissolution of the Company in Indonesia - The main purpose of establishing a company and opening up business opportunities is to...
The Difference Between Headhunting and Recruiting - National or International companies that are trying to grow and become more advanced need...
License Required for Geothermal Companies in Indonesia - Indonesia has possibly the highest geothermal power potential of any country, with...
How to Choose a Company Name In Indonesia PMDN & PMA - In doing business, the company name is one of your most valuable assets. An effective...
Positive List of Indonesian Investments (DPI) - With the passing of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning "Cipta Kerja" or what is known as the Omnibus...
How to Register a Trading Companies in Indonesia - The business market, where businesses trade raw materials, resources and components, can undergo...
How to Setup a Fintech Company in Indonesia - Fintech startups worldwide have increased from 12,131 in 2018 to 20,925 in 2020. This significant 72%...
Social Security (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) Registration for Employee - Registration of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is the company's obligation to employees who...
Tax Card (NPWP) Registration for Employee - Registration of employees' NPWP is an obligation for companies that employ employees who do not yet have...
Employment Agreement - Preparation of company documents for employees in a company, including employment agreements, employee’s tax card (NPWP)...
Who Can Getting a KITAP (Permanent Stay) in Indonesia - Permanent residence is the status of a person in a country where they are not citizens but...
Type of Association in Indonesia - Association is a joint place for individuals, groups, members of a particular company or profession who want to...
Application for The Issuance of Supporting Visits of PMA Companies or Foreign Workers (TKA) Expert During The Covid-19 Pandemic - The Government of...
The Importance of Mandatory Manpower Report for Companies - In addition to managing all permits, there is a very important thing to fulfill before...
The Differences between PEO and EOR - PEO (Professional Employer Organization) and EOR (Employer-of-Record) in recent years are often used...
Annual Tax Reports Set by DGT when Pandemic Covid-19 - In early 2020, the Directorate General of Tax (DGT) prepares to welcome the annual routine,...
The Importance of Using the Right Payroll Outsourcing Services - Outsourcing payroll might look familiar to some people. This term is indeed not...
Why is an Accountant Needed in a Company? - What is Accounting? Accounting is the activity of recording, processing and presenting data, ranging...
Benefits and Limitation of Wages for Pension Program 2020 - Pension program from BPJS is social security that aims to maintain a decent standard of...
Paid-up Capital and Investment of PT PMA - In Law No. 25 of 2007, everything is regulated regarding Investment. And based on Article 5 Paragraph (2)...
Immigration Letter (SKIM) - Immigration Letter or so-called SKIM is an immigration document that contains information about the period of stay of...
Increase of BPJS Healthcare Premiums - The news for your company that has been registered as a BPJS participant, does your company provide BPJS...
Permanent Stay Permit for Foreigners in Indonesia - Before applying for a work permit or stay permit, you need to pay attention to the procedures of...
No Income but Still Need to do an Individual Annual Tax Report? - Even though the Taxpayer is not working or doesn’t have any income or considered...
Indonesian Director in Foreign Owned - Based on a limited liability company law, every limited liability company including a foreign owned limited...
Virtual Office Regulations - Virtual Office aren’t anything new in Indonesia, but it’s still trending and become the future of office industry. A...
2019 Annual Tax Reporting - Time to report the annual tax is coming! 2019 annual tax reporting will be over and the obligation to report the annual...
What are Exit Permit EPO and ERP for? - There are a lot of job opportunities in Indonesia which allow local people or expatriates to work in this...
How Indonesia Payroll Works? - When the company is growing, hiring employees might be needed to streamline the business process. As an employer,...
Issuance of Expatriate Employment Permit (IMTA) in Indonesia - Working permit procedures in Indonesia now only use Expatriate Placement Plan (RPTKA)...
Employment Visa Indonesia - Foreigners who are planning to work in Indonesia usually confused if the employer asks them to do so. First thing that...
Import Your Goods to Indonesia as a Trading Company - Foreigners who want to establish a trading company in Indonesia and prefer to import gods...
Obtaining Fintech P2P Lending License - In Indonesia, Fintech is one of the most popular businesses for start-ups. But, the current fintech lending...
The Difference between Indonesia Visit Visa and Multiple Visit Visa - If you’re planning to come to Indonesia for holiday, family visit, cultural,...
Taxable Entrepreneur (PKP) Regulation for Virtual Office - Creative industries will not be burden by the domicile matter. The Indonesian government...
Virtual Office Simplify Creative Industries - Vrtual Office Simplify Creative Industries Living in the millennial era makes Virtual Offce so...
How to Live Legally in Indonesia as Foreigners? - Speaking of how to live legally in Indonesia, you need either to work under a legal entity in...
These Business Entities Cannot Use A Virtual Office, Why? - Most of the entrepreneurs prefer to use a Virtual Office these days and so many...
Corporate Income Tax rate and Facility - The responsibility to calculate, deposit and report the Income Tax Due is an implementation of the...
Worry-free Without Letter Of Domicile - Talking about Letter of Domicile for your company establishment license, our local government updated the...
Top 5 Tips for Choosing Visa agent in Indonesia - Thanks to the booming of tourism and the rapid development of Indonesia, a growing number of...
Indoservice was established in 2019 and helps clients who want to expand or establish a business in Indonesia. We have been providing services to several local and multinational companies.
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