PMA Taxation for Foreign Investors in Indonesia – Indonesia, with large population and rapidly developing economy has become an attractive destination for foreign investors. The Indonesian government has provided incentives and facilities to encourage foreign investment (PMA) in various economic sectors. However, one very important aspect that foreign investors need to understand before investing their capital is the Indonesian tax system.
Tax is one of the main aspects in planning investment in Indonesia. We will discuss various aspects of taxation that are relevant for foreign investors who wish to invest their capital in Indonesia. This includes types of taxes, regulations, incentives, as well as several strategies that can be used to optimize taxes in the context of foreign investment.
Types of relevant taxes
It is important to understand the types of taxes that are relevant in the context of foreign investment before studying the tax system in Indonesia. The following are the types of taxes that foreign investors need to understand:
Income tax (PPh)
PPh is a tax imposed on the income of individuals or business entities. These include corporate income tax (PPhB) for business entities and personal income tax (PPh OP) for individuals. Income tax rates may vary depending on the type of income and taxpayer status.
Value added tax (VAT)
VAT is a tax on the sale of goods and services. VAT rates are 10% to 0% for some goods and services. VAT is charged at the final consumer level and business actors who collect VAT must register as VAT collectors.
Land and building tax (PBB)
PBB is a tax paid on property, including land and buildings. PBB rates can vary by region and depend on the value of the property.
Sales tax on luxury goods (PPnBM)
PPnBM PPnBM is a tax on the sale of luxury goods such as cars, jewelry and other luxury goods. PPnBM exchange rates vary depending on the type of goods and transaction valu
Non-taxpayer income tax (PPh Article 26)
Article 26 PPh is a tax on income earned by Foreign Taxpayers in Indonesia. Article 26 income tax rates vary depending on the type of income and existing double taxation avoidance agreements.
Tax obligations and procedures
As a foreign investor, it is important to understand tax obligations in Indonesia and the procedures that must be followed to comply with tax regulations. Here are some things to pay attention to:
NPWP registration
NPWP (Taxpayer Identification Number) is a tax identification number issued by the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) to taxpayers. As a foreign investor, you must register yourself and your company to obtain a NPWP
Calculation and payment of income tax
You must calculate and pay Income Tax in accordance with the applicable rules and rates. Corporate Income Tax (PPhB) is usually imposed on company profits, while Personal Income Tax (PPh OP) is imposed on individual income. Income tax must be reported and paid every month or according to the applicable schedule
VAT calculation and payment
If your business involves the sale of goods or services subject to VAT, you must collect VAT from customers and report it to the DGT. The VAT received must be deposited into the state treasury according to the applicable schedule
Calculation and payment of PBB
If you own property in Indonesia, you must calculate and pay PBB in accordance with applicable regulations. PBB is usually paid annually and must be reported to the DGT
PPh article 26
If you are a non-resident Indonesian taxpayer who receives income from Indonesia, you must calculate and pay PPh Article 26 in accordance with applicable regulations.
Tax incentives for foreign investors
Tax holidays
One of the biggest incentives offered to foreign investors is a “tax holiday” or companies being given tax leave. This means eligible companies may be granted corporate income tax relief or exemptions for certain periods, depending on the industry sector and investment location. Some of the requirements that must be met to qualify for a tax holiday are:
> Minimum investment
Companies must meet the minimum investment threshold set by the government
> Location
Investments must be made in certain areas that are considered strategic areas or that require development
> Strategic sectors
Some strategic sectors such as renewable energy, high manufacturing industry, and infrastructure may qualify for tax holidays.
The tax holiday period usually lasts between 5 and 20 years, depending on the industry sector and investment location. This is a significant incentive that can reduce a company’s tax burden substantially.
PPh relief
Apart from tax holidays, foreign investors can also get more general income tax relief. This can be in the form of a reduction in the corporate income tax rate or Article 22 income tax. Some common forms of income tax relief include:
Article 22 Income Tax Withholding : Article 22 Income Tax on dividends, interest and royalties can be deducted or even exempted for foreign investors, depending on the applicable double tax avoidance agreement (P3B) between Indonesia and the investor’s country of origin
Special rates : Certain industrial sectors may be given lower tax rates to encourage investment. This often applies to sectors that are considered strategic or priority.
Kepabeanan facilities
Apart from tax incentives, foreign investors can also take advantage of customs facilities. This includes exemption from import duties and value added tax (VAT) for imports of equipment or raw materials required for investment. This customs facility aims to reduce the initial costs that must be incurred by foreign investors in order to save money.
Double taxation avoidance agreement (P3B)
Indonesia has a number of P3Bs with certain countries which aim to avoid the imposition of double taxation on foreign investors. Through P3B, foreign investors can obtain legal certainty and better tax incentives. Each P3B has different provisions, but generally includes lower withholding taxes and protection against possible double taxation of income.
Investment through a holding company
Foreign investors can take advantage of the holding company structure to optimize their taxes in Indonesia. Holding companies can set up efficient ownership structures and take advantage of certain tax breaks that are available.
Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
Indonesia has also introduced Real Estate Investment Funds (REITs) as an investment instrument in the property sector. REITs can provide attractive tax incentives, including income tax exemptions for property rental income received by REITs.
Investment in the renewable energy sector
Investments in the renewable energy sector, such as solar power and wind energy, may qualify for special incentives, including tax exemptions and ease in licensing.
Indoservice offers outsourcing services for individual and corporate tax reporting based on Indonesian regulations. At Indoservice, we have a dedicated team of professionals who will handle Tax and Accounting for you. You can rely on us to provide the quality of service that best suits your needs.
Contact us at email: or Call/Whatsapp +62877-1449-8500 for more detailed information.