Type of Association in Indonesia – Association is a joint place for individuals, groups, members of a particular company or profession who want to achieve a common goal in the field of non-profit. The members agreed to hold a partnership to achieve a common goal, namely to be able to help one another in making something social.

The definition of association which can be seen in Article 1 number 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 3 of 2016 (Permenkumham 3/2016) as follows:

Association is a legal entity which is a group of people established to realize the similarity of certain goals and objectives in the social, religious and humanitarian fields and does not share profits with its members.

Purposes of Association

Purposes of Association

  1. Information media, the dissemination of certain information can spread quickly in a Society. For example, the association of lovers of old vehicles / antiques, all information relating to it will very quickly circulate in the association.
  2. Networking, with the Association, between members can establish better relations with each other.
  3. Support system, because of interest or interest in a particular field, each association member can provide mutual support. In addition to supporting fellow members, an association can also help others outside the association.

Types of Association

Types of Association

1. Non legal entity association

The legal basis for the determination of non-legal and legal entity associations still referred to the State Gazette (Staatsblad) made during the colonial and Dutch East Indies transitions. Some Staatsblad referred, such as Staatsblad 1870 Number 64, Staatsblad 1939 Number 570, and Staatsblad 1942 Number 13 juncto 14 and Book III Chapter IX of the Civil Code Book is a special reference for incorporated legal entities.

2. Legal entity association

A legal entity association which is a group of people was established to realize the common goals and objectives in the social, religious and humanitarian fields and not to share profits with its members. Meanwhile, for a legal entity association, the establishment process must obtain permission from the Minister of Law and Human Rights.

The process of founding is almost the same as founding a foundation. The compilation of the articles of association must at least contain the identity, vision and mission, the timeline, capital, and the composition of the management.

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