Student Visa in Indonesia How to Get it? – In an international world, intercultural and up-to-date skills have become a prerequisite for achieving academic and professional success in today’s and future markets. Success in the international world requires a broad mindset.
Studying abroad is one of the best ways to acquire outside knowledge which will open doors to the best opportunities in the international professional world. Exploring distant lands and learning, connecting with people in their native language is the main reason to study abroad.
Below is information related to student visas in Indonesia that you might need.
Definition of visas
Referring to Law no. 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration, Visa of the Republic of Indonesia, hereinafter referred to as Visa, is a written statement given by an authorized official at the Representative Office of the Republic of Indonesia or at another place determined by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, which contains approval for foreigners to travel to Indonesian territory and form the basis for granting a stay permit.
Definition of student visa
A Student Visa is a document needed by someone when they are going to study abroad. The function of a student visa is as a stay permit in a country that is not their country of origin and is valid for students while attending college or school for a certain period of time.
What are the requirements for a student visa in Indonesia?
- Letter of application and guarantee from the Guarantor;
- Study permit recommendation letter obtained from the ministry administering government affairs in the field of higher education (for foreigners with an individual guarantor; for foreigners with a guarantor in the form of an educational institution, it is enough to attach a statement letter of passing the entrance selection for prospective foreign students)
- Passport that is still valid: a minimum of 30 months for foreigners who will attend education for a maximum of two years; and a minimum of 18 months for those who will attend education for a maximum of one year.
- Proof of having living expenses for himself and/or his family while in the Indonesian Territory of at least USD 2000 (two thousand US dollars) per person in the form of savings except for educational scholarship programs funded by the Government of Indonesia;
- Recent color photographs measuring 4 cm x 6 cm (four centimeters x six centimeters) with a white background;
Additional documents during the pandemic
- Proof of having received the full dose of the COVID-19 vaccine;
- Proof of ownership of health insurance or travel insurance that covers health costs if affected by Covid-19 while in Indonesia;
- The statement will comply with all health protocols that apply in Indonesia;
The period of stay of a student visa?
The period of stay in Indonesia is given for 6 (six) months/180 days, 1 (one) year and 2 (two) years.
A stay permit derived from this visa can be extended.
Legal basis for student visas in Indonesia
- Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 29 of 2021 concerning Visas and Stay Permits
- Government Regulation Number 28 of 2019 concerning Types and Tariffs for Non-Tax State Revenues Applicable to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
- Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9/PMK.02/2022 Concerning Types and Tariffs for Types of Non-Tax State Revenue Urgent Needs for Immigration Services Applicable to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
- Circular of Plt. Director General of Immigration Number IMI-0549.GR.01.01 of 2022 concerning Ease of Immigration in the Framework of Supporting Sustainable Tourism during the 2019 CoronaVirus Disease Pandemic
Thus the information regarding Indonesian student visas for foreigners planning to study in Indonesia.
Have a question about a student visa?
If you experience difficulties and ignorance in the student visa application process. We Indoservice, Immigration Service Consultants, as trusted and experienced formality service providers, are committed to providing the best and fast service to meet the needs of Visa, KITAS, KITAP, and other immigration documents. Call us now at Telp. / Whatsapp +62877-1449-8500 or email at for more details.