Immigration Letter (SKIM) – Immigration Letter or so-called SKIM is an immigration document that contains information about the period of stay of foreign citizens in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia for 5 (five) consecutive years or 10 (ten) non-consecutive years as one of the requirements for an application for Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia both through the process of citizenship and submitting a statement to be an Indonesian citizen.

There are five legal bases that serve as a reference for obtaining SKIM:

1. Article 9 Letter b of Law No. 12 of 2006
2. Article 19 of Law No. 12 of 2006
3. Article 3 paragraph (2) Letter c Government Regulation No. 2 of 2007
4. Article 3 paragraph (3) Letter e Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number: M.02-HL05.06 Year 2006
5. Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. M.MH-01.GR.01.014

SKIM is given to foreigners if they meet the following requirements:

1. Fill in the specified form;
2. Present the original and attach a photocopy of: a valid and still valid national passport applicable; and
3. Valid and valid permanent residence permit.
4. At the time of submitting the application, you have resided in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia for a period of:
     a. at least 5 (five) consecutive years; or
     b. at least 10 (ten) years non-consecutive years.
5. Not on the prevention list;
6. Paying fees in accordance with statutory provisions;
7. Two recent photographs with a red background measuring 3 cm x 4 cm totaling 2 (two) sheets and measuring 4 cm x 6 cm totaling 4 (four) sheets;
8. Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP); and
9. Stamped power of attorney if the application is represented.

In addition to meeting the requirements referred to above, specifically for:

A. Foreign workers or the highest leadership of the company must attach:
     a. Permit to Hire Foreign Workers;
     b. Deed of establishment of company; and
     c. Company Registration Certificate.
B. Investors must attach a final statement from the Investment Coordinating Board and Permanent Business Permit;
C. Clergy must attach a letter of recommendation from the Ministry of Religious Affairs.


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