Indonesian ID Card for Foreigners – Identity card (KTP) is very important. Because the identity card is an official indication of a person’s identity issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. KTP has many main uses, apart from being an official identity marker, KTP is also a document that is often used for many purposes.
However, can we get it if we are not a native of that country (WNA)?
Even if you are not a native of that country, or from another country, you can get an identity card. Below we will discuss about KTP for foreigners.
What are The Requirements for Making a Foreigner’s e-KTP?
> Travel Documents;
> Certificate of residence;
> Permanent residence permit card (KITAP);
> Other administrative matters, such as filling out forms etc.
How Long is the Validity of the e-KTP for Foreigners?
Based on Article 64 paragraph (7) letter b, it is stated that the validity period of the e-KTP for foreigners is adjusted to the validity period of the Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP).
What are the Benefits of Having an e-KTP for Foreigners?
Having an e-KTP for foreigners is a form of embodiment of the single identity number system, which allows foreigners to get public service facilities, such as:
- Banking
- Health facilities.
- Etc.
Although they have the right to access public services, foreigners are still not given political rights, I’e: the right to vote and the right to be elected.
The Difference Between a Foreign e-KTP and an Indonesian Citizen
At first glance, e-KTP belonging to foreigners and Indonesian citizens looks the same. However, if you look closely, there are differences. The following are the differences between foreigners and Indonesian citizens:
- e-KTP for foreigners is not valid for life, there is an expiration date. Meanwhile, the e-KTP owned by Indonesian citizens is valid for life.
- The three columns listed in the e-KTP belonging to foreigners are written in English. The three columns are the column for religion, marital status, and occupation.
- On the e-KTP of foreigners, the nationality of the person concerned is written.
How Long Does it Take to Make a Foreign e-KTP?
The process of making an e-KTP can take place faster or longer than expected, depending on the regulation process at the Population and Civil Registry Office of each region.
Based on Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration, as amended by Law Number 24 of 2013 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration.
Article 1 number 2 of Law 24/2013 defines:
Residents are Indonesian Citizens and Foreigners residing in Indonesia.
Therefore, like Indonesian citizens or foreign citizens, those domiciled in Indonesia are entitled to the same services in population registration and civil registration, protection of personal data, and legal certainty over ownership of residence documents.
If you experience difficulties and ignorance, related to the legality of foreign nationals that must be fulfilled / possessed for the complete requirements of living in Indonesia.
Contact us now!
Indoservice a Consultant Immigration Service, as a trusted and experienced formality service provider, is committed to providing the best and fast service to meet the needs of Visa, KITAS, KITAP, and other legalities for foreigners.
Call us now at Telp./Whatsapp +62877-1449-8500 or email at for consultancy services.
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Hello, My KTP has expired. alamat Jakarta.
Can i renew it here in Bali or do i need to return to jakarta?
Hi Kevin. May I know the type of KTP? KTP WNI or KTP WNA. If the KTP is an Indonesian citizen, and has an electronic / e-KTP, it is valid for life, the event is listed as having a validity period on the KTP.
If the KTP is foreign, if it has expired, you can renew it by bringing the required documents and immigration documents to Disdukcapil.
How do I get a KTP number prior to arriving in Bali. I am coming from the UK. I need the KTP number to register on the Satusehat app
Hi Camella. Here’s How to Register for the SatuSehat Mobile Application:
– Download the SatuSehat Mobile application on the Play Store or App Store
– Click “Register” to create an account or “Login” with a registered account
– Enter a name and email to register or log in to an account
– Enter the OTP code sent via email
– Select the “Account” menu at the top left to complete the profile
– Click the pencil icon to edit and complete your profile
– Fill in the required data. Then click “Save’
– Click the “Show QR Code” button
– Show the QR code of the SatuSehat profile to the officer
How to register through the SatuSehat website:
– Enter the website, then select the “My Account” menu If the QR code is not available, click the “Update Profile” button
– Fill in the NIK (WNI) and/or passport number (WNI or WNA), then click “Save”
– The QR code will appear if the NIK or passport number has been filled in
– Show the QR code of the SatuSehat profile to the officer.
* WNI = Indonesian citizen
* WNA = Foreigner
Meaning of Status Color QR Code SatuSehat Mobile Application
There are 4 QR code colors on the SatuSehat Mobile application, namely green, yellow, red and black. The four colors have different meanings. What does the color status of the SatuSehat QR code mean?
The green status on SatuSehat means that the user can go to public places because they meet the following criteria:
– Has been vaccinated with further doses (boosters) according to the type of vaccine received
– Not a COVID-19 patient or close contact
– Negative antigen test results (1×24 hours) or PCR (3×24 hours).
– Has been fully vaccinated and recovered from COVID-19 in less than 90 days
The yellow status on SatuSehat means that users cannot go to public places but follow local government regulations and their respective public areas because they fall under the following criteria:
– For those aged 18 years and over: fully vaccinated, not a COVID-19 patient or close contact, or have been vaccinated once and recovered from COVID-19 in less than 90 days.
– For ages 6-17 years: have been vaccinated once, are not COVID-19 patients or close contacts, or have not been vaccinated and recovered from Covid-19 in less than 90 days.
The red status on SatuSehat means that the user cannot go to public places because it includes the following criteria:
– For those aged 18 and over who have not been vaccinated or have only been vaccinated once and are not COVID-19 patients or close contacts.
– Have never been vaccinated for those aged 6-17 years.
The black status on SatuSehat means that the user cannot go to public places for the following reasons:
– Positive for Covid-19 in less than 10 days
– History of contact with positive cases of less than 14 days
In a positive case of COVID-19, please self-isolate immediately and carry out a PCR test at the earliest on H + 5 since being confirmed positive 1 time. If the result is negative, the patient is considered cured and the SatuSehat status will return to normal. Without a retest, the status returned to normal on H+10 since it was confirmed positive.
Hopefully this explanation can help you.