Positions allowed for TKA in Finance and Insurance Sector – The financial services and insurance industry includes businesses that provide a wide variety of services. This includes direct service to consumers or businesses as well as services to other businesses in the industry. In Indonesia and other parts of the world, the financial and insurance sectors in particular, are financial services companies that are considered as one of the most important parts of a country’s economy. But is it permissible for financial and insurance sector companies to employ foreign workers (TKA) in them?
Below is information on the positions that foreign workers may occupy in financial and insurance sector companies.
Definition of TKA?
Foreign workers are foreign citizens holding visas with the intention of working in the territory of Indonesia.
Reference: Manpower Law Number 13 Year 2003.
The following is a list of positions that are allowed for TKA, based on the Decree of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia No. 228 of 2019 concerning certain positions that can be occupied by TKA.
Nama Jabatan |
Indonesia |
English |
Manajer Umum |
General Manager |
Manajer Umum Pemasaran |
Marketing General Manager |
Manajer Umum Pengembangan Bisnis |
Business Development General Manager |
Manajer Umum Bidang Sistem Informasi |
Information System General Manager |
Manajer Umum Perbendaharaan |
Treasury General Manager |
Manajer Pengembangan Bisnis |
Business Development Manager |
Manajer Promosi Bisnis |
Business Promotion Manager |
Manajer Hubungan Bisnis |
Business Relation Manager |
Manajer Perbendaharaan |
Treasury Manager |
Manajer Senior Teknologi Informasi |
Senior Information Technology Manager |
Manajer Senior Hubungan Nasabah |
Senior Customer Relation Manager |
Manajer Senior Pengembangan Bisnis |
Senior Business Development Manager |
Manajer Senior Perbendaharaan |
Senior Treasury Manager |
Manajer Perencanaan Strategi Pemasaran |
Strategic Marketing Plan Manager |
Kepala Divisi Manajemen Aset |
Head of Asset Management |
Kelapa Divisi Pemasaran |
Head of Marketing |
Kepala Divisi Penelitian |
Head of Research |
Kepala Divisi Penasihat Keuangan |
Head of Financial Advisory |
Kepala Divisi Teknologi Informasi |
Head of Information Technology |
Kepala Divisi Pengembangan |
Head of Business Development |
Kepala Pemasaran |
Chief Marketing Officer |
Kepala Perencanaan Perusahaan |
Head of Corporate Planning |
Kepala Unit Perencanaan Perusahaan |
Head of Corporate Planning Unit |
Kepala Department |
Head of Department |
Kepala Divisi Keuangan & Akuntansi |
Head of Finance & Accounting |
Kepala Divisi Penasihat Keuangan |
Head of Financial Advisory |
Kepala Perencanaan |
Head of Planning |
Penasihat Pemasaran |
Marketing Advisory |
Aktuaris Perusahaan |
Company Actuaries |
Konsultan Underwriting, Aktuaria Pemasaran dan atau Sistem Informasi |
Consultants Underwriting, actuaries, marketing anda / or information system |
Pemeriksaan Klaim |
Claim Examiner |
Underwriter Asuransi |
Insurance Underwriter |
This the information regarding positions for foreign workers in the financial and insurance sectors that can be occupied based on the regulation of the Minister of Manpower No. 228 in 2019.
If you experience difficulties and ignorance in the process of applying for a Foreign Workers Work Permit and Visa. Contact Indoservice Now!
Indoservice Immigration Service Consultants, as a trusted and experienced formality service provider, committed to providing the best and fast service to meet your needs for Foreign Workers Work Permits, Visas, KITAS, KITAP, and other immigration documents. Contact us now for special offers at +62877-1449-8500 & email admin@indoservice.co.id.