Requirements of Halal Certificate in Indonesia Halal certification is very important and very influential on business continuity and increasing company profits. By having halal certification, the products you sell can be trusted by consumers. Consumers can differentiate the products you sell. Can it be consumed or not?

Below is information related to the requirements to obtain halal certification.

Definition of halal certificate

Halal certification is a written fatwa issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council. MUI halal certificate is a certificate stating information in the form of a written statement regarding the halalness of the product mentioned in the certificate. This halal certificate is included in the requirements for business persons to obtain permission to put a halal label on product packaging from the authorized government agency.

Article 1 Number 10 of Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Guarantees for Halal Products states: “Halal certification is an acknowledgment of the halalness of a product issued by BPJPH based on a written halal fatwa issued by the MUI”.

Halal certification process flow

>  Apply for halal certification

Complementary documents:
1. Business person data
2. Product name and type
3. List of products and materials used
4. Product management
5. Halal product guarantee system document

>  Checking the completeness of documents
>  Establishing a halal inspection agency
>  Checking and or testing product halalness
>  Establishing product halalness through halal fatwa meetings
>  Issue halal certificates

Halal certificate requirements application document

Business person data

>  Business identification number (NIB), if you don’t have an NIB, can prove it with another permit (NPWP, SIUP, IUMK, IUI, NKV, etc.)
>  Halal supervisor, attach a copy of KTP, curriculum vitae, copy of certificate of halal supervisor, copy of decision of determination of halal supervisor

Product name and type

The name and type of product must match the name and type of product to be halal certified.

List of products and ingredients used

>  Raw materials
>  Additional ingredients and
>  Auxiliary materials

Product processing

Purchasing, receiving, storage of materials used, processing, packaging, storage, product distribution.

Halal assurance system documents

A management system that is compiled, implemented and maintained by companies holding halal certificates to maintain the continuity of the halal production process.

Halal certification service fee?

Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 57 of 2021 Concerning BPJPH BLU Service Rates at the Ministry of Religion.

Decree of the Head of the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency Number 141 of 2021 concerning Procedures for Payment of Service Fees for the Public Service Agency for the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency.

How to apply for a halal certificate?

Conducted online at


Having a halal certificate is something important in your business. But do you have a halal certificate for your business? If not, start registering to avoid existing sanctions.

If you have difficulties in the process of registering a halal certificate, let’s contact Indoservice.

Indoservice is a company secretarial service consulting service that can assist you in the Halal Certification registration process. Indoservice has a team that is reliable and understands the flow procedures for obtaining halal certificates.

Call us at +62877-1449-8500 or Email for more.


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    Requirements of Halal Certificate in Indonesia
    Halal certificates in Indonesia is very important on business continuity and increasing company profits. What are the requirements?
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