Establishing a Beauty Business in Indonesia? – Industry Business in the field of beauty is increasingly popular currently. The beauty market is a business field with the largest sales revenue generated worldwide every year. Many business people do business in the field of beauty.

The beauty business itself has faced fierce competition in the global market, because consumers have a special attraction to the products being marketed and also because of the increasing trend of easy shopping currently.

Companies looking to consolidate or expand markets in this highly dynamic and innovative beauty industry need to understand current trends.

Below, we will inform you about how to set up a beauty business in Indonesia.

What is beauty business?

The beauty business is one of the most promising and growing businesses today. This business has many types, not only about facial and hair makeup, but everything related to beauty in general, from the tip of the hair to the soles of the feet. The reason is because beauty products, such as cosmetics and other beauty treatments, have become a basic need for women and men.

5 steps to starting a beauty business

  1. Study and find out in advance about regulations in Indonesia, regarding the establishment of a PT for the type of beauty business in Indonesia and also the regulations for distribution permits for these cosmetics as well as the types and ingredients for the cosmetics to be distributed.
  2. Thinking of a place/location for Production. The cosmetics industry is very diverse, so it is very important to find a good place for you to manufacture. Start doing research by visiting the location of your choice to start a cosmetics business.
  3. Competition Scope. There is a lot of competition in the worldwide cosmetic market. Don’t let that discourage you. You can learn a lot about how to do something better than your competitors by studying similar brands that are already selling to consumers.
  4. Selecting Your Business Model and Suppliers. The cosmetic business has many types, shapes and functions. You already know that there are many types of beauty products. For this reason, it is important to know about opportunities to open a cosmetics business online or offline – by opening a store or both. Keep in mind that for most new brands, selling online is the quickest and easiest way to profitability.
  5. Create your Marketing Plan. Good brands don’t last long if potential customers can’t find them. Marketing your cosmetics or beauty products can be in the form of paid advertisements on various social media platforms currently available. Set up a business page on both and see if it’s possible to run targeted ads on each.

How to set up a beauty business in Indonesia?

Establish a limited liability company (PT) first.

  1. Submission of Limited Liability (PT)Company Names
  2. Making Deed of Establishment of PT
  3. Validate Legal Entity Status
  4. Making NPWP
  5. Making a PT Business Permit (licence)

After the PT has been established. proceed to get a cosmetic distribution permit (license) before starting it.

Starting a cosmetic product business cannot be done carelessly, there are several things that business owners need to pay attention to, one of which is the material used to make these cosmetics.

Through the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 1175/Menkes/Per/VIII/2010 in order to guarantee the quality, safety and efficacy of cosmetics, Article 4 explains that the cosmetic industry that will make cosmetics must have a production permit.

Permits for cosmetic production are granted according to the shape and type of cosmetic preparations to be made.

The following are the forms and types referred to by group, namely:

  1. Group A, namely production permits for the cosmetic industry that can produce all forms and types of cosmetic preparations;
  2. Group B, namely production permits for the cosmetic industry that can produce certain forms and types of cosmetic preparations using simple technology.


For those of you who don’t understand the flow of how to set up a PT in the beauty sector and to get the license, so that the products produced can be distributed.

Contact Indoservice now!

Indoservice, a secretarial and licensing services consulting company that can assist you in setting up a company and processing the registration of your company’s beauty cosmetic products in Indonesia, trusted and experienced and committed to providing the best and fast service to meet your needs, don’t hesitate to contact us now to get service consultations, offers and the best from us, Telp. +62877-1449-8500 and email


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Establishing a Beauty Business in Indonesia?
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Establishing a Beauty Business in Indonesia?
The beauty business is one of the most promising and growing businesses today. So how to setup in Jakarta, Bali or Indonesian other territory?
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