Student Visa and Stay Permit for Foreign Student in Indonesia – According to QS World University Ranking, some of the universities in Indonesia are currently listed within the top 500 best universities in the world. It makes numbers of foreign students considers to continue their study in Indonesia. If you are a foreigner and planning to continue your studies in Indonesia, what you need to know is how to get a student visa and stay permit.

In this article, we will share the complete information refer to the Regulation of the Ministry of National Education Number 25 Year 2007 regarding the Requirements and Procedure of Foreign Citizen to Register as a Higher Education Student in Indonesia (Permendiknas 25/2007) and Circular Letter of the Directorate General of Immigration Number IMI-IZ.01.10-1217 regarding the Requirements Visa and Stay Permit Requirements for Foreign students.

Foreign Student in Indonesia

Requirements for Becoming a Foreign Student

Foreign citizens who can become students in higher education institutions consist of foreign citizens who are abroad or who are in Indonesia. Requirements for foreign citizens to become prospective students at higher education institutions in Indonesia include:

  1. Meet academic requirements to attend higher education institutions in Indonesia;
  2. Have a source of funding to ensure continuity of the study;
  3. Accepted by higher education institutions as students;
  4. Has a study permit from the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Research in Technology and Higher Education (“Kemenristekdikti”) (formerly the Secretariat General of the Ministry of National Education);
  5. Have a visa or stay permit in Indonesia; and
  6. Comply with Indonesian laws and regulations and the provisions of chosen higher education institutions.

Procedures for Becoming a Foreign Student

  1. Apply directly to the chosen higher education institution; and / or
  2. Take an entrance test; and
  3. Apply for a study permit to the Directorate General of Science and Technology Institutions and Higher Education (formerly Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of National Education). This study permit issued by the Secretariat General of Kemenristekdikti based on the recommendation of the Directorate General of Science and Technology and Higher Education Institutions.

Student Visa and Stay Permit for Foreign Student

Foreign citizens who are abroad and accepted into higher education institutions in Indonesia should apply for a visa to the Representative of the Republic of Indonesia where the person resides/lives by bringing acceptance letter statements received from higher education institutions in Indonesia.

Then, foreign citizens who are already in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and accepted in higher education institutions apply for a residence permit according to statutory regulations by bringing study permit from the Directorate General of Science and Technology and Higher Education Institutions.

Requirements for granting a Limited Stay Permit

  1. Request and guarantee letter as well as the copy of guarantor’s identity card;
  2. Original and Copy of applicant’s passport or travel documents with minimum validity for at least 2 (two) years 6 (six) months;
  3. 2 (two) pieces of the latest color photograph of 2 cm x 3 cm size;
  4. Institutions / Technical Departments Recommendation from the Ministry of Research in Technology and Higher Education; and
  5. Paying fees in accordance with applicable regulations.

Based on information we got from the Guidance for Prospective Foreign Students which will Study in Indonesia as we access it from the official website of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Coordinating Private Higher Education Region XII, in summary, procedures can be described and requirements that must be met by foreigners who want to be a foreign student in Indonesia are:

  1. Prospect students submit applications directly to the chosen higher education institution by completing all the required documents;
  2. If the application has been accepted, the head of the higher education institution responds through an acceptance letter and at the same time a statement as a sponsor/guarantor while studying;
  3. Based on the approval letter received from higher education institution, the applicant can
  4. apply for a visa and a Limited Stay Permit through the local Indonesian Embassy;
  5. Attach the files we mentioned above;
  6. Managing a Study Permit from the Secretariat General of Kemenristekdikti through the head of chosen higher education institution.


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