Electronic System Operator Business Activities (PSE) Each PSE is required to register before users start using the electronic system. The obligation to register an Electronic System Operator (PSE) is mandatory. The PSE registration is submitted to the Minister of Communication and Informatics (“Minister”) through electronically integrated business licensing services in accordance with statutory provisions.

The obligation to register for PSE is stated in Article 2 of Permenkominfo 5/2020, while the rules for the consequences of violations are contained in Article 7.

Here below is information about PSE that you might need.

What is PSE?

Electronic System Operators are any person, state administrators, business entities, and the public who provide, manage, and/or operate electronic systems individually or jointly to users of electronic systems for their own needs and/or the needs of other parties.

Type of PSE

There are two types of PSE namely public PSE and private PSE.

PSE public scope

Implementation of electronic systems by state agencies or institutions appointed by state agencies. An example of an electronic system from a Public Sphere PSE is a website with the domain “.go.id”.

PSE private scope

Implementation of electronic systems by people, business entities, and the community. An example of an electronic system from a Private Scope PSE is a website with a domain other than “.go.id”.

How to apply for PSE?

Electronic registration system (PSE) for business actors in the field of web portals and digital platforms through the licensing process in the Online Single Submission (OSS) system.

The requirements that must be fulfilled by business actors are contained in PM Kemkominfo Number 36 of 2014 and PM Kemkominfo Number 7 of 2019, including:

  1. Electronic systems sector;
  2. Electronic systems sub-sector;
  3. System type (web portal and/or digital platform);
  4. Server location;
  5. Description of functions and business processes of electronic systems; And
  6. Security certificate.

Private scope PSE registration

Phase 1 – Requirements for registration of domestic private PSE

  1. Complete the process of obtaining a Business Identification Number (NIB)
  2. Complete the related Business permit application process
  3. Have the appropriate KBLI code for applying for Domestic Private PSE Registration

Stage 2 – PSE registration through OSS

Submission of an application for registration of Private Scope PSE is done through OSS on the Business Licensing to Support Business Activities (PB-UMKU) menu, unless otherwise stipulated by the provisions of laws and regulations

Stage 3 – Print private scope PSE registration (TDPSE)

You can download and/or print the electronically signed PSE registration certificate by logging back into the oss.go.id page after confirming the application by clicking on the link provided in the confirmation email.

Stage 4 – Complete registration process

The electronic system has been registered in the PSE list registered with Kominfo pse.kominfo.go.id

Why do you have to register for PSE?

The Director General of Aptika at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, as quoted from detik.com , said that PSE registration was carried out for data collection on companies operating in Indonesia. Kominfo stated that this rule was to protect the state and society in the digital space.

PSE both local and foreign companies, if they provide services digitally, are required to register as PSE Private Scope with Kominfo.

The legal basis for registration of Electronic System Operators (PSE)

  1. Law Number 11/2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) as amended by Law Number 19/2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning ITE.
  2. PP Number 71/2019 concerning Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions (PSTE).
  3. PM Kominfo Number 36/2014 concerning Procedures for Registration of Electronic System Operators.
  4. PM Kominfo Number 10/2015 concerning Procedures for Registration of Electronic Systems for State Administration Agencies.
  5. PM Kominfo No. 7/2019 concerning Integrated Business Licensing Services in the Information and Communication Sector.
  6. Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019 Concerning Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions.
  7. Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 5 of 2020 Concerning Private Electronic System Operators.

In accordance with PP PSTE above, every Electronic System Operator is required to register, which consists of two types, namely:

  1. Public scope Electronic System Operators; And
  2. Private Electronic System Operators.

What kind of electronic system must be registered?

Portals, sites or applications in the network via the internet that are used for:

  1. Providing, managing and/or operating the offering and/or trading of goods and/or services.
  2. Provide, manage and/or operate financial transaction services.
  3. Delivery of paid digital material or content through data networks either by way of submission through portals or websites, sending via electronic mail, or through other applications to user devices.
  4. Providing, managing and/or operating communication services including but not limited to short messages, voice calls, video calls, electronic mail, and online conversations in the form of digital platforms, networking services and social media.
  5. Search engine services, services for providing Electronic Information in the form of writing, sound, images, animation, music, videos, films and games or a combination of part and/or all of them; and/or
  6. Processing of Personal Data for operational activities serving the public related to Electronic Transaction activities.

How long does the verification process take?

A complete and confirmed private scope PSE registration application will automatically issue an electronically signed private scope PSE Registration Certificate (TDPSE).

What are the benefits of private scope PSE registration?

1. The benefits of private PSE registration are realizing reliable, safe, trustworthy and responsible implementation of electronic systems and transactions.

2. Benefits for registered PSE:

>  It is recorded in the PSE Registration Certificate so that it is clearly identified on the https://pse.kominfo.go.id page on the “Domestic PSE List” Menu (to display registered Domestic Private Private PSE data) and/or “Foreign PSE List” (to display registered Foreign Private Private Scope PSE data).
>  People trust more.
>  Build an ecosystem mapping for the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions.
>  Evidence has been officially registered with Kominfo

3. Benefits to the Community:

>  The public can find information about Electronic Providers and Systems that have been registered as PSE on the page https://pse.kominfo.go.id Menu “Domestic PSE List” (to display registered Domestic Private PSE PSE data) and/or “Foreign PSE List” (to display registered Foreign Private PSE data).
>  Increasing the level of public trust in a PSE.
>  The public has become smarter and more careful in conducting transactions through information on PSE registration certificates.

If you experience difficulties and are unfamiliar with processing PSE at OSS regarding the procedures and legal basis that apply in Indonesia.

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Electronic System Operator Business Activities (PSE)
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Electronic System Operator Business Activities (PSE)
The PSE registration is submitted to the Minister of Communication and Informatics (“Minister”) through electronically integrated business.
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